I often get the question on why UnicornForms has the word *forms* in it when I talk so much about electronic signatures and documents. It's because we work at the intersection of forms, documents, trust and volume. And of course it rhymes with unicorn.
Fun fact, our original name was LegalDocs Pro! (Boooring!)
The public sector, education, NGOs, permitting offices, healthcare, ESG, sustainability and many more all face the problems we tackle. The documents they need to sign are often templated and are the primary point of data entry aka "a form." Often these industries have higher degrees of trust and security than typical business contracts, such as HIPAA forms.
Volume is another fundamental component, because it relates to tiering of most other players. Why is one product $40/month/user for 10 signatures a month? Why is another product $50/month for 1,000 form submissions a month? Why is another product the same price but 10,000 form submissions a month? Why are some unlimited?
Each company has figured out your *willingness to pay* for your problem in your use case. The eSign companies are by far the highest cost option when it comes to volume. It's because they know the average sales person sends 5-10 contracts a month and has a big budget, which means 10 contracts a month is the highest tier.
The same thing happens with the form solutions. Many form solutions are used for sign ups or short surveys. You probably only need 100 submissions a month. Need more? Then survey options are a good option, because those use cases often have 10,000s of submissions. Are they both forms? Yes, but very different use cases.
This is why we don't have nice things when you go to a hospital or a school or in a manufacturing setting. The best alternatives are free (PDF + email) or costly contractors to roll your own solution via SDKs and open source libraries, which is actually even more costly to build and maintain, and often provides worse user experiences. These libraries are bad y'all!
UnicornForms lives at the intersection and never sacrifices on trust, security or user experiences. Ping me to learn more.
#ElectronicSignatures #CyberSecurity #DigitalTransformation
#DocumentManagement #Forms #HIPAA #SDK #PDF