Congratulations ?? to our 5 student presenters at the 2025 Occupational, Environmental and Climate Medicine (OECM) annual Continuing Medical Education (CME) conference from the University of California, San Francisco. Not only are we proud of the hard work they did with the research, but designing an engaging poster that delivers an in depth message in under 5 minutes, is a whole other feat in itself. Great job to you all! ICYMI: Javier Freire Herrera - "The perception of heat strain and its related health impact on Chilean wildland fire fighters during the 2023-2024 season" Eileen Thai - "Predicting forearm muscle activity in hand-intensive work tasks" Aman M. - "The effects of job specific line speed and staffing on musculoskeletal disorder risk among poultry processing workers" Jovanny Ramirez - "A comparison of sampling strategies to accurately quantify the duration and frequency of hand exertions" Matthew Zhang - "Assessing the risk of upper extremity disorders in janitorial tasks using the time motion analysis and the ACGIH TLV for Hand Activity" #ergonomics #humanfactors #occupationalmedicine #climate #workersafety #occupationalhealth #environmentalhealth