Tucker Carlson NetworkµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
Tucker Carlson Network

Tucker Carlson Network


TCN is the new streaming platform home to exclusive all-new content from Tucker Carlson.


Tucker Carlson Network is the new streaming platform that is home to exclusive all-new content from Tucker Carlson. We will regularly be releasing new video content that tells the stories that matter and helps you make sense of the world around you. Join us! News coverage in the West has become a tool of repression and control. Reporters no longer reveal essential information to the public; they work to hide it. Journalists act as censors on behalf of entrenched power. They have contempt for the public. They hate the truth. Democracy can��t function in a society like this. Voters can��t know what they��re voting for. People do understand they��re being manipulated, and they resent it. The population becomes angry and paranoid. Things fall apart. There��s only one solution to a propaganda spiral like the one we��re living through, and it��s telling the truth about the things that matter �� clearly and without fear. That��s our job. We plan to do it every day, no matter what.

11-50 ��

Tucker Carlson NetworkԱ��

