Brandy Zadoorian, CSP, CSD had a blast teaching eVAC Magnetics ‘ employees to identify and control hazards during the OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Outreach Training!! Thank you for having TSC and see you next month for OSHA 30 !!! #OSHA #OSHA10 #OSHA30 #GeneralIndustry #ManufacturingSafety
"Safety First"... sure. But it's so much more! Safety is not JUST's also Safety Always!! You've likely seen it before: managers proudly preach "Safety First." They even start every meeting with a safety moment. But once you step on the floor, words & behavior are obviously misaligned. Safety is no longer part of the culture... rather, it somehow became a "check the box" initiative. At eVAC Magnetics our people are not only our greatest resource, they are our competitive advantage! To ensure we thrive together, & return to our families with smiles in our hearts, a constant Safety & risk mitigation mindset must be weaved into the very fabric of everything we do. We know not all jobs are inherently safe. And yes, if you try to eliminate all hazards, you'll never produce. But, (1) hazard elimination, (2) substitution, (3) engineering controls, (4) administrative controls & of lastly (5) Proper PPE, must always be on our mind... (that's right Brandy, we listened!!) This Safety Heiarchy of Controls is fundamental for how our Leaders, at all levels, approach our ever constant, safety vigilance, risk mitigation, & constant improvement mindset. A big shout out to Triangle Safety Consulting LLC & Brandy Zadoorian, CSP, CSD, for your series of engaging & impactful OSHA10 courses this week supporting our founding Production Team members. Thank you for helping lay our cultural foundation by showing that Safety is not JUST's also Safety Always! #eVAC #VAC #OSHA10 #GeneralIndustry #OSHA10Trainer #Safety