Tradition Homecare (Florida)转发了
???????? 5 ???????? ?????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? Maximizing your long-term care benefits requires careful planning and understanding of your policy. Here are a few tips: 1. Know your daily/monthly/lifetime benefit limit. 2. Understand the elimination period. 3. Keep track of your care expenses. 4. Regularly review and update your plan as needed. By staying informed, you can make the most of your homecare coverage. Have you reviewed your policy recently? Do you have your Policy Schedule/Schedule of Benefits? Have you requested an updated version from your LTC insurance company? Check my next post for items to review and plan effectively. #Homecare #LTC #LTCI Tradition Homecare (Florida) Tradition Homecare Christina M. Christina Catalfano Sherry Jefferson Kari Heitzner