?? ???????????? ???????????? ?????????? ???????????? ???? ?????? ????????????. But that was just the beginning... In 2012, I used to Photoshop my own ???????????????? ?????????????? to announce event attendance Way before it was common practice. Then I started watermarking my own event photos to use as ice breakers and re spark conversations post events. It was way more efficient than any follow up email. Eventually came the Instagram Stories which kept me top of mind in my industry. It meant I could ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?????????????????????? and get straight to business without seeming rude. Because everyone felt like there were with me all the time. Last year I worked heavily on my personal brand within the affiliate marketing space both on Instagram and TikTok. The feedback from the industry was INCREDIBLE. Nowadays LinkedIn is my weapon of choice. Because running Trackfinity and Rocahead puts me in the trenches with so many different verticals that it would be selfish not to share what I'm learning. Social media isn’t just content. It’s influence. It’s being first to mind when an opportunity comes up. And it WORKS. How has your social media strategy evolved? Drop your thoughts below! P.S. If you are attending The European Summit I will be giving a keynote on all of the above and breaking down the strategies for each channel. Monday 10th at 12pm at the Sevilla 1 room ??