?? As temperatures continue to drop, the Virginia Department of Transportation wants to remind everyone of these essential winter driving tips:
??? Prepare for Winter:
?? Check brakes, tires, battery, and ignition system.
?? Ensure antifreeze, thermostat, and wipers are in good condition.
?? Top off with de-icing washer fluid.
?? Test lights, blinkers, and emergency flashers.
?? Lubricate door locks to prevent freezing.
?? Clear snow and ice from your roof, hood, trunk, windows, mirrors, and lights before driving. Not only does this increase your visibility, but it keeps the debris from falling onto other cars.
?? Keep kids safe by avoiding bulky coats in car seats. Bundle up when you arrive at your destination.
?? On the Road:
?? Know the road conditions before leaving. Call 511 or check the 511 app for updates.
?? Always wear your seat belt and start trips early to avoid rushing.
?? Drive slowly and cautiously, especially in shady spots and on bridges where ice will form first.
?? Never pass snowplows or spreaders unless absolutely necessary.
?? Keep kids safe by avoiding bulky coats in car seats. Bundle up when you arrive at your destination.
?? Give road crews plenty of space to clear snow and ice effectively.
?? If you see flashing lights, slow down and move over to keep first responders safe.
?? Pack a Winter Emergency Kit with these essentials:
?? Flashlight & extra batteries
?? Ice scraper
?? Cell phone & charger
?? Jumper cables
?? Blankets or quilts
?? First aid kit
?? Bottled water & non-perishable snacks
?? Abrasive materials such as sand or cat litter
?? Shovel
?? If You Get Stuck:
?? Pull off the road, turn on hazard lights, and display a distress flag.
?? Stay in your vehicle unless shelter is close by.
?? Run the engine for 10 minutes per hour to stay warm and crack a window to prevent carbon monoxide buildup.
?? Keep snow cleared from the exhaust pipe.
?? Use seat covers and floor mats for extra insulation, and huddle with passengers to conserve body heat.
?? Signal for help.
Let’s make this winter a safe and smooth season for everyone! Learn more here: https://ow.ly/wuBs50UzgvI