Lightpath has now connected to the MASS IX internet exchange in Boston!
?? Leading fiber providers like Lightpath are increasingly focusing on delivering high-quality connections to their enterprise internet access (IP/DIA) customers. They recognize the value of establishing local peering connections through an open and distributed internet exchange (IX) to reduce latency and improve network throughput.
?? Instead of connecting to the IX at a carrier hotel, TOWARDEX is delivering the MASS IX connection out in the street through the Hub Express (??????) System. Pictured is the HEX manhole where Lightpath's IP network receives the IX port.
?? Internet exchanges have gone through a few iterations in North America. ?First, we had "closed model" IX fabrics, initially owned by telecom carriers (NAP, MAE, etc.), and then later, data center or "carrier hotel" owned IX fabrics, where customers needed to buy space from the data center owning the IX to connect. In recent years, with the expansion of non-profit community IXPs and modern commercial IXPs, we began seeing the rise of open, "distributed" IX fabrics (aka "European style"), where the IX is both carrier ?????? data center-neutral, being available across different competing data centers in a metro. This enables consumer choice by allowing the customer to pick from competing data centers in the area to connect to the IX, instead of being forced to connect from a dominant location. MASS IX is the only IX in Boston which is open and distributed, being available in 6 data centers across the metro.
?? However, with the MASS IX, we're now seeing a new progress in IX deployment, where the IX fabric now has direct access to the "outside plant" and utility infrastructures out in the public rights-of-way. It's a unique development where the IX maintains bulk fibers that are pre-wired into the IX switch for carriers to connect via manholes, instead of meeting at a carrier hotel.
? Through the HEX system, we enable MASS IX connections to be rapidly delivered by our partner carriers to any enterprise or broadband ISP looking to add peering to their network. ?Rather than requiring connections to be made at designated "on-ramp" data centers, carriers can now sell local loops already wired from the IX switch directly to their customers using their fiber assets. It is one of the many ways in which TOWARDEX is partnering with leading fiber providers to rapidly expand the availability and reach of the MASS IX ecosystem, making the peering platform more open and accessible.
?? About HEX, the underground interconnection utility:
?? Different ways to connect to MASS IX:
?? Learn about Lightpath's internet network:
#internet #peering #Boston #ixp TWDX Infrastructure