Echoing our Executive Director Paul Moinester's words — Make My Money Matter has been a powerful force for change, using creativity to highlight critical issues. Their impact will endure, and we highly recommend exploring their work:
It's with a heavy heart that I say farewell to our friends over at Make My Money Matter, who officially ended their campaign today. In my two-decades working in the environmental sector, they have done, far and away, the best job I have ever seen powerfully and entertainingly shining a spotlight on critical issues that threaten people and the planet. At a time when their important and inspirational voice is needed more than ever, it is a major loss to see them close down. A big thanks to Huw Davies, Tony Burdon, David Hayman, and the many other members of the team for their brilliant and critical efforts. Your voice and work in this space will be missed! If you haven't seen their work before, do yourself a favor and go check it out at Here's a shining example of how their sharp wit and star power were used to illuminate the hidden link between UK banks and the fossil fuel industry.