Not all YouTube views are created equally...
(understanding this prevents making the most common YT mistake I see)
The question I asked my client yesterday was "do you want the number of views, or the number in your bank account to be as high as possible?"
You can guess what he answered. And most people would say the same, but they DON'T act like it because they lack clarity...
There are people making $1M/mo with 25k subscribers, and there are people making $10k/mo with 1M subscribers...
(I have clients making over $100k/mo with 500-1000 subscribers)
It's not about how many views and subscribers you're getting...
What really matters is...
1. Getting enough of THE RIGHT PEOPLE watching your videos
2. The size and importance of the problem your company solves
3. The conversion strategy behind creating your videos (VERY important)
4. How good your funnel, sales process, and product is
5. Your overall skill as an entrepreneur
Remember: Views DON'T equal cash. Booked calls and closes DO!