How nutrients support you ?? ??
It’s important to note — despite the claims of ads, trends and friends — no one food or drink (or supplement for that matter) can uplift a down mood or cure a mental health condition. Generally speaking scientifically, your brain and body regularly need a balance of proteins, fibers, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, (unsaturated) fats and water to fuel them properly. Each one plays a role. For example:
-Protein helps your brain produce the chemicals it uses to regulate your thoughts and emotions.
-The healthy omega fats found in salmon, avocados, nuts and seeds, among other sources, support your brain function.
-Your body turns carbohydrates into glucose (a kind of sugar) that travels through your blood to feed your brain. Carbs can be simple or complex. The complex ones found in whole grains, for example, produce slow and steady sugars to keep your brain fueled. Without them, you may experience low blood sugar, which can make you feel tired, irritable and depressed.
-The foods you eat also help promote a healthy gut — stomach, intestines and colon — with the right amount and kinds of bacteria to process and break down your food. Fiber aids in the digestion process. So do foods with probiotics, like yogurt, sauerkraut, tempeh and kimchi.
-If you don’t drink enough water, you can become dehydrated. Dehydration makes it harder to focus and think clearly. It also can depress your mood and energy level.
Those are just a few examples of the benefits of a nutrient-rich, varied diet. On the other hand, foods low on nutrients can make you feel mentally worse. For example:
-The trans fats often found in highly processed and packaged foods have been linked to bad moods.
Similarly, highly processed, sugary and fried foods have been linked to hyperactivity, aggression, poor concentration, depression and anxiety in children and adolescents.
-And the caffeine so many people rely on for a boost of energy can actually overstimulate you, causing feelings of irritability, anxiousness and depression. It also can keep you from sleeping soundly.
-Diets low in nutrients also affect gut health. As noted above, this system helps you digest your food properly and eliminate waste. If it’s off, so is your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and feed your brain.
#FuelYourBody #foodrelationships #NutrientSupport