This is the first time someone has SURPRISED us with a video about Throne. What ?? an ?? awesome ?? surprise ????????
You can now track your poop health because of this company ?? So Throne Science is the company behind this product. And it’s essentially an attachment you put on your toilet to track your gut health and hydration. It uses a downward facing camera that captures videos of your “bathroom visits”. And then analyzes it using advanced AI models. Giving you info about: 1???Your digestive pattern. 2???How often you go. 3???Type of bowel movement. 4???Potential food sensitivities. This product follows a trend I'm very high on. Which is this niche health tracking & wearable space. And with gut health being such a hot topic, giving consumers the the ability to track it is very intriguing to me. #gut #guthealth #hydration #fitness #fitnesstracking #health #healthtracker #wearable #fitnesswearable #fitnesstech