Thanks for the love Gene Oh! We're glad we were there just in time and look forward to the day that bathroom access is a standard fixture of mobility and transit hubs. Los Angeles Metro is making great strides towards this in LA!
Forget the forest, as operators Tranzito lives amongst the trees. Planning is great, but our P words are Practical, Pragmatic… and I gotta Pee! Bathrooms don’t share the same airspace as sexier topics like #sharedmobility #electricvehicles #firstlastmile, and that’s a shame. No amenity is more important - and more requested - than clean facilities to do the duty. It’s one of the few things that everyone needs and does on a daily basis. I got to use a Throne Labs bathroom by Los Angeles Metro today for the first time.. in the nick of time at that. It was super easy and quick to use, was clean and convenient, and absolutely encourages me to choose #publictransit first. Big props to Jessica Heinzelman and the folks at Throne and Metro. #mobilityhub