


Seattle,WA 4,339 位关注者

Read more. Spend less.


ThriftBooks is the world’s largest online, independent seller of used books, having sold more than 160 million used and new books since its inception. Founded in Seattle in 2003 and backed by KCB Management, ThriftBooks operates multiple processing centers throughout the US that purchase, grade, and distribute used and rare/collectible books. ThriftBooks utilizes proprietary software to identify and list books, as well as a sophisticated pricing model that dynamically prices books across a variety of online platforms, including, Amazon, eBay, and others. Customers who shop at can earn free books through the company’s loyalty program, ReadingRewards.

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    18300 Cascade Ave S. #150





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    Selling Over 10,000 Books Annually? We Can Assist You. If you're managing large quantities of books and seeking effective ways to generate profit, we have a solution. Many FBA platforms impose high fees and offer limited payouts, impacting your bottom line. At ThriftBooks, we recognize the value of your inventory and are prepared to help you optimize your returns through our BuyBack for Business Program. For businesses with an annual inventory of 10,000 or more books, we provide a straightforward solution aimed at maximizing your profits. There are no hidden fees or complex procedures—just competitive payouts for your books. - Bulk Selling: Ideal for businesses, educational institutions, libraries, and resellers. - Competitive Payouts: We offer some of the best rates in the market. - Streamlined Process: We ensure a simple experience from pallet pickup to payment. Avoid the losses associated with intermediaries and start receiving the true value of your books. Contact us today to learn more about how ThriftBooks’ BuyBack for Business Program can help convert your excess inventory into revenue.

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    We’re heading to the Academic and Research Library Association conference next week and looking forward to connecting with our library partners. ? It’s always a great opportunity to hear what’s top of mind for academic and research libraries, and to talk through some of the challenges around managing collections and outgoing materials. ? If you’ll be there and want to chat, send us a message - we’d love to connect.

    ?? ACRL 2025 virtual registration includes live streams of the opening and closing keynotes, live stream programs, virtual-only presentations, and more. Plus, all registrants get free virtual conference access for six months. It's a great way to experience the conference from the comfort of your home or office. ‘Check it out and register today! #ACRL2025 ??

    • Promotional graphic for ACRL 2025 conference, featuring the text "REGISTER TODAY!" with date "April 2-5, 2025" and location "Minneapolis." The design includes abstract shapes and a city skyline in purple tones against a yellow background.
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    At ThriftBooks, we believe in forging partnerships that drive mutual success. By collaborating closely with our suppliers such as Goodwill Industries International, The Salvation Army, Savers | Value Village to streamline operations, we've achieved remarkable outcomes: reduction in labor hours, boost in productivity, and an increase in per-pound payments. Together, we're not only enhancing profitability but also championing a sustainable future for the book industry. ? Discover how our collaborative approach leads to shared success. Read the full story here: ? If you're an organization who sells books in bulk and is looking to optimize your processes and explore partnership opportunities with ThriftBooks, we'd love to hear from you. Reach out to us today to learn more: ? #Partnerships #Innovation #Sustainability #BookIndustry #BookSuppliers #ThriftBooks

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    Our team had an amazing time at the King County Library System's Annual Gala! It was inspiring to learn about the impactful programs KCLS brings to our communities. We're proud to support events that strengthen our library systems and enrich the lives of those around us. A heartfelt thank you to KCLS for being our valued partner over the past 20 years! Here's to many more years of collaboration and community enrichment. Pictured - Hugo Munday, Jennifer Lam, CPA, Martin Sandoval #KCLS #CommunitySupport #LibraryLove #ShareBookLove #CommunityEnrichment

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