TL;DR: We announced a cool thing. Hit us up at Intersolar for a demo! www.getwattbot.com ——— If you’re in residential solar, you know the meme. 40x growth in customer base and 60% drop in hard costs over 12 years … yet CAC keeps climbing. One key driver of that is the good ol’ “solar calculator” problem. A term we use fondly to describe the "lead gen" forms out there. Every experience is some version of: ? You enter a street address ? You pinpoint your roof ? You see some numbers (or surrender contact info to see them) ? You get called, texted, and emailed into oblivion This sucks. The best solar calculator must do more. For consumers: :: Be not boring — people have chaotic lives and short attention spans. :: Be not pushy — nobody likes being sold to. :: Give more value back for every datapoint submitted. :: Empower good decision-making — solar is a complex and idiosyncratic function of location, home, household and timing. For installers: :: Be customizable to their selling style—in meaningful, not superficial ways. :: Be insanely simple to distribute—because solar is sold in a dozen different ways, both online and in person. That’s it. That’s all it takes to be America’s Best Solar Calculator. So we built it. Want a demo? Hit us up at Intersolar or book a call! www.getwattbot.com ——— One final note. I’ve had the pleasure of shipping some impactful things in my life. No saying how this one will go, but Nathan Eidelson … this is the thing I’ll be most proud of. It's an honor to be building WattBot with you.