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The Shortcut

The Shortcut


We help talents build a meaningful career in Finland. #ForYouWhoAreTheChange


The Shortcut helps talent build a meaningful career and found companies in Finland. #ForYouWhoAreTheChange

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    Lapinlahdenkatu 16

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    ? "Suomi ei tarvitse maahanmuuttoa!" Onko n?in? ? Vuoteen 2030 menness? Suomesta h?vi?? 130 000 ty?ntekij??. Suomi tarvitsee kipe?sti ulkomaalaisia huippuosaajia, jotta emme vain p?rj?isi, vaan menestyisimme globaaleilla kilpakentill?. #RakennetaanSuomea ? "Finland does not need immigration!" Is that so? ? By the year 2030, Finland will have lost 130 000 workers. Finland urgently needs top international talent not just to survive, but to thrive on the global stage. #BuildFinland ?? Debunk the most common myths about immigration in Finland:

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    We're on the front page of today's Kauppalehti! ?? "Finland is at a crossroads. We can say that we don't want or need migrants. Or, we can realise that our population is ageing and leaving the workforce, our birth rate is low and that we therefore face a growing labour market gap. In fact, we will need tens of thousands of additional people to enter the workforce just to sustain our current economic output and our pension system." ?? The article is published today on Kauppalehti, Talousel?m?, and Kaleva. Links the full editorial in the comments! ?? Visit campaign website: #TheShortcut #RakennetaanSuomea #BuildFinland

    Suomi on tienhaarassa. Voimme joko sulkea silm?mme todellisuudelta tai kohdata sen avoimesti: v?est?mme ik??ntyy, syntyvyys laskee ja ty?markkinoilla ammottaa osaajapula. Tarvitsemme kymmeni? tuhansia uusia ty?ntekij?it? pelk?st??n s?ilytt??ksemme Suomen nykyisen taloudellisen kilpailukyvyn ja el?kej?rjestelm?n. Ilman maahanmuuttoa hyvinvointiyhteiskuntamme ei ole kest?v?ll? pohjalla. Suomeen saapuvat maahanmuuttajat tulevat t?nne opiskelemaan, tekem??n t?it? ja rakentamaan el?m??ns?. T?m? osoittaa, ett? Suomi on kansainv?lisille osaajille houkutteleva maa – ja meid?n tulisi olla siit? ylpeit?. Historiallisesti olemme aina hy?tyneet maamme ulkopuolelta tulleista ty?ntekij?ist? ja yritt?jist?. Esimerkiksi vuonna 2021 maahanmuuttajayritt?jien johtamat yritykset tuottivat noin 4,3 miljardin euron liikevaihdon. T?m? on enemm?n kuin ty?- ja elinkeinoministeri?n vuosibudjetti vuonna 2025. Lis?ksi n?m? yritykset ty?llistiv?t 27 000 ihmist?. … Valitettavasti Suomeen muuttavat osaajat kohtaavat usein syrjint??, ennakkoluuloja, kielimuureja ja muita esteit? ty?llistymiselle. Ulkomailla hankittujen tutkintoja ei tunnusteta ja monet maahanmuuttajat kokevat, ettei heit? huomioida Suomen ty?markkinoilla. N?m? esteet eiv?t ainoastaan vaikeuta yksil?iden el?m??, vaan my?s jarruttavat Suomen talouskasvua. Maahanmuuttajien ty?llistymisen tukeminen on siksi investointi Suomen tulevaisuuteen ja kasvuun. Maamme menestys perustuu yhteisty?h?n ja kykyyn sopeutua muuttuviin olosuhteisiin. Meill? kaikilla on vastuu toivottaa maahanmuuttajat tervetulleiksi, helpottaa heid?n kotoutumistaan ja varmistaa, ett? Suomi pysyy elinvoimaisena ja vauraana. T?h?n tarvitaan m??r?tietoista asennemuutosta, ja siksi olemme perustaneet kollektiivin, joka uskoo, ett? maahanmuutto on my?s maan puolustusta. Ty?skentelemme yhdess? sen eteen, ett? Suomi olisi avoimempi, vastaanottavaisempi ja vahvempi. On aika valita, rakennammeko yhdess? kest?v?? tulevaisuutta vai annammeko hyvinvointimme rapautua? Kollektiivin ensimm?inen julkinen ulostulo t?n??n Kauppalehdess?, Talousel?m?ss? ja Kalevassa. Linkit kommenteissa.

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    Ilman maahanmuuttoa meit? ei ole tarpeeksi hoitamaan, rakentamaan, tuottamaan, kehitt?m??n, suunnittelemaan, tutkimaan, innovoimaan ja yritt?m??n. Maahanmuutto on maan puolustusta. #RakennetaanSuomea Without immigration, there won?t be enough of us to care, build, produce, develop, design, research, innovate, and create businesses. Immigration is national interest. #BuildFinland See more about this campaign: Collective members: AMD Silo AI, RELEX Solutions, Metacore, Ilmarinen, Posti Group Oyj, OP Financial Group, Attendo, University of Helsinki, Diakonissalaitos, Kuntaliitto | Kommunf?rbundet (Association of Finnish Cities and Municipalities), Keskuskauppakamari (Finland Chamber of Commerce), Suomen Yritt?j?t ry, YTK, Tekniikan akateemiset TEK, Suomen Ekonomit, Palvelualojen ammattiliitto PAM ry., Suomen startup-yhteis?, hasan & partners, Great Apes, Ellun Kanat

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    Our brand new The Shortcut Academy is officially launching in 2 weeks! This project brings together all of the experience and expertise that we have to offer jobs seekers and entrepreneurs, and we're extremely excited to debut it to the world. ?? Join us at the Academy Opening Day on 18.3 to: ?? hear about our plans for career and entrepreneurship programs to be held in 2025 ?? learn more about the Academy ?? participate in the networking session, hosted by our career coaches, to meet our current and future talents and entrepreneurs Spots are limited so don't hesitate to register: #TheShortcutAcademy

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    Today’s the last day to apply for the first cohort of Spark Program 2025! Application closes tonight at 23:59. ? In case you’re still on the fence about applying and needing that final push, here’s a quick recap of what Spark offers: ?? Hands-on training and knowledge to bring your business idea to life ?? A community of like-minded female and non-binary entrepreneurs understand and support your journey ?? Our new dedicated sales accelerator Flame that teaches you all the basics of sales Did we also mention that the program is entirely free for all participants? Make the last 12 hours count and apply below! Don't miss this chance to join the leading entrepreneurship program in Finland for female and non-binary founders. ?? Apply here: The Spark Program is made possible thanks to the support from Yksityisyritt?j?in S??ti? and the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation. #SparkProgram #TheShortcut

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    We're holding an Opening Day for our new flagship project: The Shortcut Academy on 18.3! ?? The Shortcut Academy brings together all of the experience and expertise that we have to offer for both jobs seekers and entrepreneurs. We will present our plans for career and entrepreneurship programs to be held in 2025 at the Opening Day, and we welcome our community members to join us to learn about the program and meet the participants and our partners. The event also includes a networking break where you are able to meet our current and future talents and entrepreneurs. Seats are limited, so sign up as soon as you can! See you then! ?? Sign up here: #TheShortcut #TheShortcutAcademy

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    Just 3 more days before applications close for Spark Program! New applicants are still welcome until midnight on Sunday 2.3! Why should you join the ?Spark Program?? ?? Because you want to start your own business ?? Because you want to be in an inspiring community of entrepreneurs who understand your struggles and dreams ?? Because you deserve easy access to hands-on training, networks, and growth opportunities in the leading incubator for female and non-binary founders in Finland It's time to turn your dream into a reality! ?? Ignite your Spark and apply now: The Spark Program is made possible thanks to the support from Yksityisyritt?j?in S??ti? and the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation. We also want to thank everyone for their incredible support for our new Career Academy. The influx of applications has been so overwhelming that we have to end the application period early, as spots in the program are limited. If you haven’t sent yours in yet, you can still do so until the end of Sunday 2.3! ?? Apply to The Shortcut Career Academy here: #TheShortcut #SparkProgram #CareerAcademy

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    Only one week left to apply for the Spark Program! We’re super impressed with the quality of applications already! ?? In case you’re still on the fence about applying and need a bit more information to decide, here’s a quick rundown of the most common questions we received: ?? What can I expect from the Spark Program? ? Spark Program is built of a combination of the entrepreneurial theory combined with strong coaching and doing- based approach. You can expect to get both theoretical and practical support for founding and running your business/start-up. You can also expect to be part of a community that believes in you and supports you. In addition to workshop-based coaching, you’ll also get bi-weekly group coaching sessions. Last but not least, you will receive coaching in resilience and mindset, which are all integral parts in succeeding as a fresh business owner. ?? What topics will I learn in Spark? ? Spark will guide you to test out your business idea and learn to build your business from an idea level in 10 weeks. You will get to test your idea out with potential clients, shape it into an early product, assess its profitability and build your communication and pitching skills. In addition, you’ll also learn the essential basics for sales, how to use the latest tech (AI) to boost your business, how to set up your business and accounting, and get insights and support into entrepreneurial mindset and well-being. ?? How long does the Spark Program last? ? The Spring 2025 Cohort will run for 10 weeks, from March 18th to May 23rd. This time includes the Sales Accelerator Flame, which runs in the last 2 weeks of the program! ?? ?? Now I’m excited to apply! When is the deadline for applications? ? Great to hear! Applications are still open until the end of this week, at midnight Sunday 2.3. Use the link below to apply! ?? Apply to Spark Program: The Spark Program is made possible thanks to the support from Yksityisyritt?j?in S??ti? and the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation. #SparkProgram #TheShortcut

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    Applying to the Spark Program could be your first step to something truly great! ?? Take it from our alumnus, Tássia R., founder of Secret Club – a growing community and friendship network for women in Helsinki. She credited our Spark Program for being instrumental in supporting her entrepreneurial journey. “Spark helped me truly understand what it means to be an entrepreneur. As challenging as this path is, for the first time, I feel like I resonate with the job description. The mentors don’t just sugarcoat things—they give you the real truth about this journey. They might scare us a little, but more importantly, they inspire us to build something great.” What set Spark apart for Tássia was the community spirit and mentorship that made the experience so special. “Connecting with amazing people who share the same vision and drive has been invaluable. The mentors don't just guide us—they speak belief into our projects, and that's so important. When you're following your passion or curiosity, it can be hard to see how it all fits into the bigger picture. Having them say it out loud reminds us that we're not just dreaming aimlessly, but creating with purpose.”? To all female and non-binary aspiring entrepreneurs out there, Tássia encourages taking that first step and applying to Spark: “I highly recommend Spark Program to anyone looking for clarity, knowledge, and direction to turn their dream or idea into reality. If you're ready to bridge the gap from idea to impact, this is the place that will show you the way.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves! ?? Applications to Spark program are still open: The Spark Program is made possible thanks to the support from Yksityisyritt?j?in S??ti? and the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation. #TheShortcut #SparkProgram

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    Are you looking for a comprehensive career course to boost your employability? How about a program with professional coaching, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities with companies? Look no further, The Shortcut Career Academy is here! Introducing a brand new training program designed to help you break through the Finnish job market. The Shortcut Career Academy is a new initiative that combines all of our team’s professional expertise and experience on job search and career development into a neat package for all job seekers. It includes hybrid learning, workshops, group coaching, and networking opportunities. Together with our program partners, we bring you the most relevant topics for job seekers in Finland, all rolled into a 4-week program! Applications for the first Career Academy cohort are open until 9.3. Only 30 spots are available per cohort, so fill in your applications today! ?? Enrol into the Career Academy: ?? More information about the Career Academy: The Shortcut Career Academy is made possible thanks to our wonderful partner KEY Relocation. #CareerAcademy #TheShortcut

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