Fractional CFO : Scaling E-commerce Brands from 7 to 8 figures through Financial & Data Analytics : Husband & Father x4 : Former Semi-Pro Soccer Player : Lover of Olives
CAC & how to calculate your threshold! What can you spend to acquire a new customer? ? Knowing this information and setting your threshold can dramatically change your trajectory. ? This insight is crucial in determining how much you can spend on acquiring new customers while still making a profit or pushing to break even. ? Understanding your margin and where you can set your CAC threshold, will allow you to manage costs more effectively, ensuring you're not overspending on customer acquisition. ? Let’s break it down very simply: ? ? New Customer AOV: $100 ? COGS: $20 ? Shipping to Customer: $12 ? Merchant Fees: $3.5 ? $100 – ($20 + $12 + $3.5) $100 - $35.5 = $64.5 ? So if you are focused on just breaking even, you can set your CAC at $64.5. ? But if you want to build in profitability right at acquistion then you can lower that, and set the threshold with your ad agency or marketing department. ? ****now how aggressive you get with your CAC depends on your CLV, and how often customers come back to repurchase… ....but I can dig into that on another day. ? By the way, if you would like me to create a simple template of this for you, just drop me a comment and I can get it created and headed your way. #dtcbrands #dtc #ecommercebusiness #ecommerce #ecommercetips #dtcwlth