Critical, life-saving knowledge for anyone battling Dyslexia...please look into the work of Tim Conway, PhD via The Morris Center clinics and NOW! Programs?
President at The Morris Center clinics, CEO NOW! Programs; Dyslexic & Brain Scientist published in Neuropsychology, Neuroimaging, Neurorehabilitation and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Diagnosis & Treatment
Dyslexic Teenagers - Is It Too Late To Empower Their Skills? Is listening to books on tape really the best we can do? What if we have peer-reviewed, NICHD funded RCT's showing we CAN empower literacy skills like this teenager has experienced? Should we rely on technology to accommodate, compensate or support them through life? What do actual Dyslexic teens say about reliance on accommodations - supports - "special" services - or listening to audio books because you cannot read, not because you want to listen to an audio book? Parents, are you still watching your child struggle in High School with poor reading accuracy, "I hate reading" opinions (aka I can't read, so I hate it), poor spelling, poor grammar and writing skills, or even great reading skills, but "it goes in one ear and out the other!" comprehension struggles? Then NOW! Programs? are here to help make "life changing" (i.e. that is our most common report from parents and teenagers) improvements for your teenager. NO, it's not too late. NOW! Programs even empowers professionals who are adults. Meet a teenager who up to age 16 he still could not read. Was his brain the problem? Scientific research says NO, all Dyslexic brains can be empowered with strong literacy, language, learning and reading and spelling skills. Schedule a gratis consultation with our expert intake team who are also parents and they know what you have experienced with years of frustrations from empty promises from programs based on phonics that are like building the house from the 2nd story up and really do not address the true cause of the reading and spelling difficulties.