Last Thursday, I went out to the hospital to have a septal myectomy done. For those that dont know, i have a (surprisingly common, 1 in 500 people have it) genetic defect that causes the center wall of my heart to thicken overtime, known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy #HCM. While lifestyle does play a factor, the surgery was always eventually going to be necessary in my case, so me and my wife decided together to go ahead for it while I'm still relatively young(ish).
Cardiologist have always told me my case was "interesting," which is not what you ever want to hear about your heart. I can now say that every surgeon who watched my surgery at the hospital called it "beautiful," which is somehow equally and oppositely disturbing.
We are fortunate though that the surgeon who worked on me specializes in doing this procedure robotically., which has lead to a faster recovery so far.
He, in his own words, was aggressive, removing about 7cc of heart tissue. That doesn't sound like a lot, until you rebember your heart is about the size of your fist. Some of the attending surgeons at the hospital were speculating that might be a record for the robotic procedure.
As of last night, i returned home. I still have a lot of healing left, and regaining (and surpassing) my strength, but i am progressing quickly, and each day can feel myself able to do more than the previous day. I cannot thank my amazing wife and her family, the The Jira Life crew, and ReleaseTEAM, Inc. enough in continuing to support me as I heal. Its a rough journey, and I'm only just starting it, but i know it will be worthwhile. #AtlassianCreator