Thank you the BYU-I Economics for featuring my experience preparing for the The Econ Games! I am excited to compete with other Econ students across the nation and show the value of a BYU-I education.
Boston Klingler first heard about The Econ Games through an email blast and decided to apply based on his positive experiences with the economics department’s past programs, such as trips to Salt Lake City and Washington D.C. Academically he hopes to gain skills in data wrangling and visualization tools like R, while professionally, he’s eager to see how his department compares to the top economic students nationwide. His team has been preparing for six weeks, meeting once a week since the beginning of the semester. This experience will also help him develop valuable networking skills. He’s excited to meet bright, up-and-coming economic students from around the nation, as this will help him understand where he stands in the field and better prepare him to apply to graduate schools and pursue a PhD. The Econ Games involves analyzing cold data and presenting findings within 24 hours, offering valuable experience in quick-turnaround projects like those in corporate finance. The preparation has been a great learning experience, and he’s confident the competition will improve. He highly encourages anyone interested in economics, whether majors or not, to apply. It’s a great opportunity to develop data presentation skills and gain insight into whether economics is the right career path. #BYUIEcon