Take action! An excerpt from today’s Austin American-Statesman article, “'Transformational': Texas Senate Bill 568 would overhaul special education funding” highlights our concerns about a specific provision found in Senate Bill 568 and House Bill 3: Most state supported living centers “are not just another educational setting; they are the most restrictive, segregated and costly residential option for children with disabilities,” said Sabrina Gonzalez Saucedo of the ARC of Texas, a group that advocates for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. “Prioritizing them in placement discussions without sharing information about community-based supports and services could lead to increased institutionalization and family separations, rather than supporting children in family-based settings," she added. https://ow.ly/vSZR50VhJPR ADVOCACY OPPORTUNITY: The Arc of Texas asks its community to respectfully request that the authors of SB 568 and HB 3 remove the language in the bills relating to State Supported Living Centers. Call committee members using this script: “My name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY], Texas. I am a concerned constituent and friend of The Arc of Texas, calling to kindly ask that you remove section 29.0056 from Senate Bill 568 and House Bill 3, which contains language that would require school personnel to provide parents with information about State Supported Living Centers (SSLCs) during an IEP/ARD meeting when residential placement is being discussed. SSLCs are the most restrictive and costliest residential option. Additionally, the language in both bills does not include a requirement that schools talk with parents about less restrictive options like home and community-based services that could support a family in keeping their child in their family home. Thank you.” House Committee on Education: Rep. Brad Buckely (Chair), (512) 463-0684 Rep. Diego Bernal (Vice Chair), (512) 463-0532 Rep. Alma Allen, (512) 463-0744 Rep. Trent Ashby, (512) 463-0508 Rep. John Bryant, (512) 463-0576 Rep. Charles Cunningham, (512) 463-0520 Rep. Harold Dutton Jr. (512) 463-0510 Rep. James Frank (512) 463-0534 Rep. Gina Hinojosa, (512) 463-0668 Rep. Todd Hunter, (512) 463-0672 Rep. Helen Kerwin, (512) 463-0538 Rep. Jeff Leach, (512) 463-0544 Rep. Terri Leo Wilson, (512) 463-0502 Rep. Alan Schoolcraft, (512) 463-0602 Rep. James Talarico, (512) 463-0821 Senate Committee on Education K-16: Sen. Brandon Creighton (Chair), 512-463-0104 Sen. Donna Campbell (Vice Chair), 512-463-0125 Sen. Paul Bettencourt, 512-463-0107 Sen. Brent Hagenbuch, 512-463-0130 Sen. Adam Hinojosa, 512-463-0127 Sen. Phil King, 512-463-0110 Sen. José Menéndez, 512-463-0126 Sen. Mayes Middleton, 512-463-0111 Sen. Tan Parker, 512-463-0112 Sen. Angela Paxton, 512-463-0108 Sen. Royce West, 512-463-0123 Image ID: Three images in a carousel are purple, white, orange and yellow and include the information above. #txlege #disabilityrights #education