The Arc of Loudoun, a local chapter of The Arc of the United States, is home to five ntegrated programs that serve the most vulnerable and underserved in Loudoun and the Greater DC Region—children and adults with disabilities, their families and caretakers, and the professionals who work to help them achieve their greatest potential.
The Arc of Loudoun defines a disability as any condition that prevents, delays, or interferes with a person’s typical development or optimal achievement. A disability may be classified as behavioral/emotional, developmental, intellectual, learning, physical, and/or sensory. Disabilities may be temporary—as when a person is healing from a broken bone, and disabilities may be invisible—as when someone is experiencing mental illness.
The Arc of Loudoun serves more than 5,000 people a year, including people with disabilities, their families, caregivers, educators, advocates; Arc Volunteers; and members of the law enforcement, first responder and judicial system communities through its five integrated programs: Ability Fitness Center, ALLY Advocacy Center, Aurora School, Aurora Behavior Clinic, and Open Door Learning Center Preschool.
51-200 人
Leesburg,Virginia - VA
disabilities、autism、advocacy、physical disabilities、intellectual disabilities、developmental disabilities和special needs