???? Austin - Bursting at the seams for our talk last year, we were invited back for Austin Tech Week by Capital Factory! Help us find 3 sponsors/partners to highlight their tools/resources that help accelerate attendees' career moves. These partners should support ambitious professionals in one of the following ways: + Growth: any resource, tool, method to help professionals grow professionally and personally (can be mental health, wellness, etc.) i.e. better skillshare, bootcamps, etc. + Connection: any community, resource, event, tool, etc. to connect professionals and make it a bit easier to get to their next career move (whether that's in or outside of their current role) i.e. professional groups, mentorship programs, etc. + Work: any resource, tool, etc. that helps professionals at work or get better work - open to future of work employers, no recruiters (next time!) i.e. project management tools, ergonomic desk tools, etc. We had people discussing it in the bathrooms later that week. Our workshops are that good! Reach out to me via dm if you're interested. Stay tuned for more information on Austin Tech Week's HR + Culture Track, community ticket codes, etc. __ #austin #austintx #austintechweek24 #austintechweek #austinstartupweek #capitalfactory