Hello IP FANS....
Really....Is this still going on? From the latest news...
Well, "fake it till you make it"doesn’t sit well in a court of law.
As many of us recall, one of the first “citings” of the nonexistent cases —courtesy of ChatGPT,??was in New York and Judge Castel (S.D.N.Y.)?sanctioned the attorneys, $5,000—but, I am guessing the sting of global dismay was more punishing.
And now, we have another matter ala legal hallucinations (emanating from some of those who work for one of the nation’s largest law firm)…looks like another cite to be seen.
Last week, Judge Rankin (in the District of Wyoming issued) an?order to show cause?in the case:?Wadsworth v. Walmart Inc.
In this case in court papers Plaintiffs cited nine total cases…and the issue spotted?
Based on the initial research on the court's side ---None exist….. well, except?for one.?
The cases are not identifiable by their Westlaw citations, and the court cannot seem to ---find them.
Not a great way to get on the good side of any judge and so in this case the judge ordered that at least one of the three attorneys provide accurate support for the cases ----and if they cannot?do so, ?they should also separately note why they shouldn’t be sanctioned….
Who are the lawyers behind this ? From the information out there one of them works for one of the largest personal injury firms…?Morgan & Morgan....
When in doubt. Maybe stay there before you proceed.