?? The courage it takes to tell your personal story in a political arena cannot be understated. Our Executive Director, Zach French, testified before the Georgia Senate Committee yesterday alongside his wife Alexandra, sharing how IVF made their family possible after Alexandra's cancer journey. As Zach eloquently states, "When lawmakers debate whether families like mine should exist, silence isn't an option." This principle guides our work at The Surrogacy Foundation. We don't just provide financial support—we bring the entire village together to make family-building accessible at every level. Today's advocacy work in Georgia is a crucial step toward our vision of bringing surrogacy and family-building into mainstream conversation nationwide. We're incredibly proud of Zach's testimony wearing his many hats, as our Executive Director, as a Georgia Fertility Network board member, and most importantly, as a father who understands firsthand what's at stake. The path to making family-building accessible doesn't just run through clinics and agencies, it runs through capitols and committee rooms too. #BringingTheVillageToYou #EveryStepOfTheWay #FamilyBuildingAdvocacy
Helping Everyone Experience the Magic of Family | Taking Surrogacy Mainstream | Entrepreneur & Non-profit Disruptor | Executive Director @ The Surrogacy Foundation
?? When lawmakers debate whether families like mine should exist, silence isn't an option ?? Today marked a significant milestone as I testified before the Georgia Senate Committee in support of IVF protections - wearing 3 hats as Executive Director of The Surrogacy Foundation, Board Member of Georgia Fertility Network and Father. My wife Alexandra and I shared our deeply personal journey of building our family through IVF after her battle with breast cancer. But this testimony represented something bigger: the understanding that making family-building truly accessible requires a village that extends far beyond direct patient care. The fertility professionals who make miracles happen in their clinics don't clock out when they leave the office. The attorneys who navigate complex family formation laws don't stop at drafting contracts. The agencies who build bridges between intended parents and surrogates don't limit their impact to matchmaking. True accessibility demands that we collectively share our expertise, experiences, and voices in policy spaces. Doctors like Jennifer Kawwass Thompson with over a decade of experience explain the science to lawmakers, attorneys like Lynn Goldman clarify legal complexities, and parents like us tell our stories - that's when change happens. This testimony was just one step toward our 10-year vision of bringing family-building options like surrogacy and IVF into the mainstream national conversation. I'm grateful to all the professionals who understand that their expertise is needed not just in offices and clinics, but in committee rooms and capitols. Family-building truly takes a village - not just to support individual journeys, but to reshape the landscape for all families to come. To all the organizations across the country and locally helping make this happen! Reproductive Biology Associates Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine Shady Grove Fertility EMORY REPRODUCTIVE CENTER The Chick Mission #FamilyBuildingAdvocacy #IVFProtection #FertilityPolicy #Surrogacy #GeorgiaLegislature