From the desk of Joe Beck, Founder of The Sales Activist: So this week I was talking with an entrepreneur who asked me: "How can I sell my high-ticket service? I'm NOT a salesperson." I actually get this a LOT.. I should tell you: This guy is GREAT at what he does. I mean, he's ELITE. If you mention his name to anyone in his industry, about 95% of people know who he is. The majority of people outside his industry probably have heard of him.. He just struggles selling himself - and his offering. So we talked for about 45 minutes and I shared with him some things to do. When we were done, he said "You should do a livestream and share with people what you just taught me!" I told him I used to do them often, but "life" took over and I haven't done one in a while. So after about 5 minutes, he convinced me to start them up again. (I guess he got better in sales If you're an ENTREPRENEUR who isn't a salesperson and struggles with selling your high-ticket product, service or offering, join me on Saturday the 29th. I promise you: this FREE training event is going to be VERY impactful! The link is below.. See you then..
I empower entrepreneurs and coaches to unlock extraordinary growth, tripling their sales in just six months or less. Want to discover how?
Attn: Entrepreneurs! Are you an entrepreneur selling a HIGH-TICKET product or offering and struggling to meet and exceed your sales objectives? Check out this livestream training event on Saturday, March 29th, from Noon to 1pm EST! I will be hosting this event to talk about how to create MASSIVE sales success selling high-ticket offerings as an entreprenuer! Mark your calendar and don't miss it! #thesalesactivist #highticketsales