Imagine Facing Your Abuser In Court As A Young Child This Is Jeffrey’s Story… Please consider making a donation to help more survivors of abuse like Jeffrey. Your support saves lives! _______ If you or someone you know may be impacted by domestic/intimate partner violence, rape/sexual assault, child abuse, or human trafficking call our 24-hour hotline: (516) 542-0404. #domesticviolenceprevention #domesticviolencesupport #domesticviolencerecovery #traumarecovery #emotionalabuse #domesticabuse #freecounseling #sexualabuse #domesticviolenceisreal #enddomesticviolence #domesticviolencesurvivor #abusiverelationship #abuseawareness #talkaboutit #domesticviolenceadvocate #againstdomesticviolence #counselingservices #childneglect #relationshipcounseling #domesticviolencesurvivors #narcissisticabuserecovery #interpersonalviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #narcissisticabusesurvivor #childabuse #stopdomesticviolence #rapeandsexualassaultawareness #saam #endhumantraffickingPlease help us raise awareness by sharing this post!