The Propeller Club, Port of NorfolkµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
The Propeller Club, Port of Norfolk

The Propeller Club, Port of Norfolk


Norfolk��VA 1,381 λ��ע��


The Propeller Club of the United States is a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to the enhancement and well-being of all interests of the maritime community on a national and international basis. Membership is organized into local clubs called "Ports." There are 52 port chapters in the United States, 33 Clubs overseas, 16 Student Port Clubs in the U.S., and 5 Student Ports overseas. The Propeller Club aggressively promotes the maritime industry through many of its programs and by partnering with other similar organizations. Our goal is to educate legislators and the public as to the importance and necessity of all waterborne commerce. The Propeller Club Port of Norfolk has over 340 members from all facets of the maritime transportation and logistics fields. The Club hosts a number of luncheons and networking events throughout the year. Its primary fund raising events are the well known Propeller Club Oyster Roasts held in April and October, south Hampton Road's National Maritime Day Celebration in May at the Norfolk waterfront, and an Annual Golf Outing in June. The Port of Norfolk has several charitable missions. The most notable are two annually endowed $5000 Old Dominion University scholarships to be awarded to a member of the ODU Student Propeller Club and the child of a merchant mariner, an annual gift of $2500 awarded to the Seafarers Agencies of Hampton Roads, and financial support for the Sail Nauticus Academy for kids.



The Propeller Club, Port of NorfolkԱ��


