With today's #HR9495 vote in the U.S House of Representatives, I'm dismayed to see America joining the club of governments aiming increased force against #nonprofits. I say this as an American in Central + Eastern Europe, where I help #socialimpact organizations advancing progress, change, hope, and opportunity against some serious opposition.
The intersection of #philanthropy, #politics, and #civilsociety is always in a delicate balance. Competing visions of "the good" invariably encounter the temptation to silence dissenting voices under the guise of national security, sovereignty, or traditional values. Or because those voices are irritating and annoying. Or because they're actually correct. Or because they're solving problems and concerns in ways that may embarrass those in power.
H.R. 9495, the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act, passed earlier today with a 219-184 vote. The bill would empower the U.S. Treasury Secretary to unilaterally strip nonprofits of their tax-exempt status. The legislation passed mostly along party lines, with 15 Democrats crossing over to vote in favor of this crap.
A slippery slope you say? Yup.
WIthin the past week, the fury of a charged up #nonprofitsector was heard and felt across Capitol Hill. The anger was not about only the nebulous "terrorism-supporting" designation. It’s the unprecedented power given to the executive branch, enabling the Treasury Secretary to dismantle any organization it doesn’t like.
This is not some theoretical threat—this bill creates a vicious tool for *any* administration to target and dismantle #nonprofitorganizations it opposes.
Anyone who’s been paying attention to anywhere in the world knows how easily political opponents, media outlets, community institutions, and religious organizations can all be threatened or intimdated under the guise of national security. This bill, coming so soon after an vicious election cycle, could easily become a tool of political retribution against any #nonprofit, #charity #advocacy or #philanthropy organization or stakeholder.
H.R. 9495 isn’t about terrorism. It’s about silencing dissent and undermining our fraying civic fabric even further. It violates basic due process and sets an incredibly vile precedent.
With the bill now moving to the Senate, it may face resistance from a narrow Democratic majority. If it passes, it will set a dangerous precedent that any future administration, regardless of party, can and will exploit to silence opposition and undermine basic fundamental freedoms. If it fails, it will surely rear its ugly head again.
Challenging government policies, voicing dissent, or standing up for any cause *should* be uncomfortable and inconvenient for those in power who make mistakes and can do better. The power to deem something illegal without proof of threat or harm is a danger to all. When civil liberties are trampled underfoot, there’s no telling who will be next on the chopping block.