Everybody's been in workshops. Some good, some bad, some average. We set out to make every workshop truly great.
Our team has facilitated over a thousand co-creation workshops for clients around the world. We have an uncanny knack for leaving clients feeling reinvigorated and re-energized about their job, business, team, etc. It comes from creating a sense of shared purpose, fostering a true spirit of collaboration, and nurturing a lasting sense of empowerment.
In addition to the experience that 20+ years in the industry gives us, we also worked with two psychologists and an ex-Nike innovation leader to develop an approach that's truly unique.
Wem combine 8 powerful disciplines to radically improve group dynamics, reframe limiting beliefs about one's own capabilities as an innovator, create shared language, and empower anyone and everyone to contribute. We flatten the room and create equal co-ownership of the problem. We work in rapid sprints: empathizing, iterating, prototyping, testing and learning. There's a spirit of play and a sense of excitement to try and fail and try again.
And then there's AI. We've always believed the role of AI should be to help anyone regardless of their background or training be successful in the co-creative environment. We're thrilled when we see Chefs, Retirees, Students, and Programmers ideate on equal footing with trained creatives. While AI is just one tool in our co-creation toolkit, it makes a massive difference.
We've deeply trained our team in all 8 points. Our facilitators are the best in the business when it comes to rapid innovation, game-changing ideation, and a feeling of transformation among the team. Our clients get to market faster, solve big, complex problems more effectively, and push innovation farther than they thought possible. We're here to help them in the workshop itself, and with everything they need before and after.
After 1,000+ instances, we know it works. It's a game-changer for solopreneurs, nonprofits, associations, small businesses and large enterprises alike. That's why we say, co-creation for the win!
#Workshops #Facilitation #GroupDynamics #Psychology #AI #DesignThinking #Agile #CoCreation