It's harder than ever to know which habits—nutrition, supplements, fitness, sleep, wearables—are worth your time and money. The wellness industry offers conflicting advice, and most doctors can’t validate what's true.
Why? They lack the time and training. Insurance-based doctors are incentivized by volume, not quality. More visits and procedures mean more revenue, leading to rushed appointments and little investment in your long-term health.
After experiencing the frustration of focusing on longevity within the conventional system, I created a membership model that does the opposite.
Unlike misaligned doctors and harmful wellness fads, our flat-fee membership allows providers the time to explore the latest research and trends. We use extensive biomarker testing and advanced diagnostics, including genetic testing, to understand your unique needs and identify the root cause of your symptoms. At The Lanby, wellness recommendations are personalized and tracked using your own data.
We succeed when our members are happy, healthy, and satisfied. We don't follow insurance reimbursement rules because our model is patient-centric; our members are our primary focus.
Here's what a member recently shared about her experience:
"As a patient at The Lanby, my greatest victory has been implementing some easy changes to my life (morning smoothie, increased fish intake, supplements) which resulted in my cholesterol, iron, and vitamin D improving drastically. I also reduced my inflammation and generally feel more at ease and educated about my health. I trust The Lanby team and now don’t feel like I have to jump on trends on social media or information from friends. I know The Lanby is giving me personalized recommendations based on science and also my own profile. Feeling more at ease about what I’m doing to try to ensure a longer, healthier life has greatly helped my mental health.” - Alex P.
If this resonates, book a free consult call to learn whether our membership or Just The Labs would be a good fit.