The OTM brand is growing fast... Have you seen what happened in Houston!? John ( Bartender 2 CEO ) created Speed Railz, and grabbed everyone's attention. It created an experience that you don't even need to be in attendance to feel! People are sending in applications from all over the country. The event brings in the biggest crowds! There's more events too "A Shot at Love," "Mix'n It Up," "Wellness Wednesdays," and more going on in Houston right now. OTM is getting to the core of the industry as well. More money than ever is floating around industry, high stake opportunities are at the fingertips of the top talent everyday. Our industry has gaps and voids though that can't be ignored, and that's where OTM Hospitality Agency serves the industry. This year the OTM Agency is focused on getting the people in the service industry.... 1. Good Deals?: help finding great job opportunities . 2. Looking Good ( Online )??: guidance on social media, and how to make sure they're seen in the best light. 3. Helping with Future Plans( Professional )??: advice on career growth and professional growth. 4. Dealing with Legal Stuff ??: connections to the right people for their situation. 5. Staying Healthy??♂?: nutrition, lifestyle habits, support through injuries & recovery. 6. Managing Money??: literacy, implementation of strategies, and investments. 7. Mindset ??♂?: goal management, stress management techniques, positive mindset strategies Comment "OTM" with the numbers you think are most important for our industry?