The Wisdom of Work Ethics pt. 5
The Wisdom of Work Ethics is an observational compendium of various trends that can damage the progress of an individual's potential.?Certain societal habits of the workplace dampen the drive to achievement. Some motivational methods of growth are largely ignored, but the effects of executing the steps to unlocking true potential are always examples of empowerment that anyone can use.?The Wisdom of Work Ethics is a collaborative text of wisdom and advice gathered from several of my professional colleagues to share the guidance of success and the fulfillment of purpose. Eventually it will be published and made available for young entrepreneurs, inventors, and trades professionals.?
Part 5: The Comfort Addiction
The "Magic of Youth" is a mindset of wonderment and adventure. It takes a great deal of effort to retain that little shred of zest for life we are all born with but gradually lose as we grow into a jaded sense of normalcy when the novelty of new experiences wears off. This is especially prevalent in situations of career stress we are all exposed to. Thus, a vacation is sometimes the quick fix.
A perspective that might be described as "the magic of youth" is a developmental form of charisma seen in children as they experience something similar to riding a carousel or a coin operated stationary rocket ship. As adults, we know these objects are collection of nuts and bolts, and cartoonish shapes that have no valuable meaning. But to children, the lights, and colors, and sounds are enough to keep the mind creatively engaged. In such a moment, the imagination is flourishing within the child, but an adult might be preoccupied by practical limitations alone. The creative state of mind in the child is giving off endorphin peptides as an adult might feel when watching a favorite move, or engaging with close friends. The "magic of youth' is also largely dependent of physical activity or play.
There is no shortage of evidence that body soreness, and physiological stress are common results of a daily work grind. But these effects are almost always exacerbated by an individual's perspective. Our sense of wonderment can be one of the defining traits to preserve our connection to youth and resist the effects of early aging.
In many ways, our addiction to comfort is our most stifling fiend guiding us all into an early grave with only a lifetime of mediocrity to reflect on.
Satisfaction is too easily replaced with "good enough", but it's just not the same resolution of catharsis. Too often, the goal is to reach a point of career development where the work is much easier, while the paycheck are much greater. This is not an ideal situation for someone who needs to attain a sense of purpose beneath all the toils of labor.
The fruit of a meaningful life is built on the attachment of love and the desire for the well-being of those closest to the self - but the self is not always so clear in its needs.
Creature comforts and modern conveniences are addictions that can rob a person of purpose. Our whole societal structure is predicated on the getting of things. As our successes begin to grow, so do the availability of luxuries that bestow a certain solace of pleasure. How many times have you put something off so that you can indulge in sitting on a soft couch to watch a TV program you honestly have no interest in? How many times have you done the bare minimum in a job task because it was enough to cover your obligation to your boss?
Every single time you are given a task by your boss it is an opportunity to impress. No matter how menial, no matter how miserable, people have begun to observe the quality of your performance. If no one is watching, how important is your best really worth?
What does it mean to accomplish from the soul? To stand back and reflect upon the best investment of your effort is in many ways the same mindset and perspective of: "The Magic of Youth". The young are not troubled by uncomfortable efforts in labor. Physical effort is another form of discovery.
So when you sweep the floor, bend your knees and explore the wondrous and full extent of your body's ability, and make the result one worthy of remembrance. Your time spent on this Earth is uncertain, and we all search for a meaning beyond our mortality. Anything worth doing is worth doing well, and everything that you do should be impressive. Leadership starts at the bottom, and you carry that mindset to the top. The world is full of finger pointers and problem solvers it is a choice. Those who choose to save all those creature comforts and cushions for sleep at the end of the day sleep better. They wake up more alert, rested, positive, and optimistic. Those who settle for half their potential toss and turn at night.
You owe it to yourself to fulfill your potential. Failure is only failure when you stop trying to achieve it.