So excited to see God working!
? ?? And the awards go to... ? ?? Community Partner of the Year:?The Fostering Collective (Nominated by 4Kids4Families) General Residential Operations Staff of the Year-?? Kenneth Collier from Trels Home For Children (Nominated by SJRC Texas | Belong) Adoptive Parents of the Year:?Jeremy & Kimberly Lindsay (Nominated by Methodist Children's Home) ?Foster Parent of the Year:?Cori Moyer (Nominated by The Settlement Home for Children) Kinship Parents of the Year:?Brittaney Byerly (Nominated by Arrow Child & Family Ministries) Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Employee of the Year:?Heather Thorp (Nominated by SJRC Texas | Belong) SSCC Staff of the Year:?? Patricia Rogers from SJRC Texas | Belong (Nominated by Upbring) Community Organization Staff of the Year:?Denise Sowders (Nominated by AIM Adoptions?staff) It is our honor to present awards to individuals and organizations who have demonstrated the highest levels of personal and professional excellence in our community. Learn more about each honoree online now at