The Educator Registered Apprenticeship (ERA) Intermediary is led by educational and workforce experts at RTI International and our partners at Gateway Education Partners, New America, TEACHMEducation, and WestEd, who offer experience in various facets of educator preparation and apprenticeships. With funding from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship (OA), the ERA Intermediary seeks to assist states and school districts who are facing significant challenges in attracting and retaining teachers and school staff. The OA has invested in Registered Apprenticeship Intermediaries to raise awareness and understanding of Registered Apprenticeship programs and provide training and technical assistance to support the design and development of new programs. The ERA provides free technical assistance supports to states, districts, education preparation programs, and other related partners in the design, development, and implementation of RA programs in the education sector, such as programs for K-12 teachers, paraeducators, and principals. During the ERA’s first year, staff engaged with partners from more than 40 states and have developed a comprehensive understanding of different models and best practices from across the country. Contact the ERA today or sign up for a future ERA information session to find out how we can help you explore or expand education-related apprenticeships.
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