Terrybear? Urns & MemorialsµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
Terrybear? Urns & Memorials

Terrybear? Urns & Memorials


St. Paul��MN 925 λ��ע��

Compassionate. Committed. Inspired.


Terrybear? is comprised of dedicated and friendly employees who are passionate about what they do �C leading the world in design and wholesale distribution of beautiful memorials for your loved ones and loving pets. Our teams work with customers and business partners in a spirit of trust and collaboration to tackle the challenges of producing the highest quality of products in the world. Since 1994, Terrybear has been focused on investing in innovative urn designs by utilizing progressive materials and finish details. All of our designs are protected by United States and Canadian copyrights and/or patents.

11-50 ��
St. Paul��MN


Terrybear? Urns & MemorialsԱ��


