We're excited to be able to partner with Kurt on some amazing geophysical projects out of our Virginia office. if you have any archaeological photographic needs, keep him in mind.
Cultural & Heritage Resource Management professional specializing in Scientific Imaging and communication.
My second career supporting Cultural and Heritage Resource Management has officially begun. After more than two years of planning I was able to transition from my previous job in government public relations and establish Scientific Imaging Services, LLC where I will tap into more than two decades of photography experience, among other things, to provide a wide variety of imaging services to archaeological projects around the country. For the past two weeks I have been supporting the amazing work of TerraSearch Geophysical, LLC, helping to uncover some of America's earliest history using cutting edge Ground Penetrating Radar and other geophysical techniques. Making a post-military retirement transition to a completely new career filed is daunting. I would not have been successful it it wasn't for the program at the UMD Cultural and Heritage Resource Management (CHRM) Graduate Program and the Department of Geographical Sciences at the University of Maryland . I'm excited for what's to come and I hope to see my colleagues at conferences and in the field. If you plan on attending the Society for American Archaeology conference in Denver this April, I'll be presenting on my Paleoindian research in Virginia and mediating a "A Forum on Media Outreach for Archaeologists." Hope to see you there. ?