A month ago, Java Hemmat offered me a dream job — judge the 5th Annual Battle of the Paella. I humbly and hungrily accepted. On Saturday, I brought my appetite to Love and Exile Bar in East Nashville. The fundraiser benefitted Conexion Americas Mesa Komal. Housed in Casa Azafran, Mesa Komal provides low cost commercial kitchen space to local immigrants, so they can start and scale their own business. Immigrants are 3x more likely to start a business than native born people. 60 percent of the time those entrepreneurial endeavors are food related. Farmers markets and festivals require food to be made in a commercial kitchens. In Nashville, commercial kitchen rates range from $50-$100 / hr. That doesn’t include any ingredients. Without Mesa Komal’s, affordable, flat monthly rates many immigrant would be unable to become entrepreneurs, and Nashville wouldn’t taste nearly as good. ??