TENET Ventures

TENET Ventures



A principled venture studio for high-impact entrepreneurship

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    We're considering a Product Hunt launch for a surprisingly effective side product: An agentic AI Excel Formula. If you want to try it, don't hesitate to contact us.

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    Future of Work | A&D | ex-McKinsey | Yale & HEC

    The best part of my job is that I get to build AWESOME things. You can try one. (Day 58). I don't know how to describe it... but building tech is as close as it gets to magic. You're literally thinking things into reality. Here's an example. I had many prospects tell me: "Management tells us to use these AI web tools, but we always end up using Excel, anyways". 2 weeks ago, I sat down with my (awesome) engineer, and we thought: "Why not use Excel as the user interface, then?" A few days later, we built our prototype. Idea: Use our agentic AI tools with 1 Excel formula. Then, last week, we met with HR leaders of an MNC with ~100,000 employees and they described their "dream state". So, yesterday evening, I wondered: Maybe I can use our new Excel formula to automate this (super painful job grading) process. 8 hours later, it was done. You're looking at part of it below. So much fun! It's like magic. As a founder, you have to deal with a lot of nonsense and painful tasks, but it's moments like this that I do it for. So proud of how far we've come. This specific spreadsheet can now save the user ~100h... for each case. Someone told me I have to launch this Excel Formula on Product Hunt ASAP... So, I was wondering: Should I? Would you want to try it? Hmmm... Yeah, why not? Shoot me a DM or fill this form if you'd like to try it (for free): https://lnkd.in/giK2auji // For 100 days, I'm sharing my entrepreneurial learnings. You're invited to follow along. P.S. This is my first somewhat self-serving post of the series ?? but it's 100% #RealTalk

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    This is why we founded Peregrine, an AI tool to automate job gradings for salary benchmarks to ensure compliance with the new EU Regulation on Pay Equity and Transparency. Today: > Job Grading takes 2-12 weeks, delaying time to hire. > Outsourcing grading to HR consultants costs $2-15K per role. > Human bias in applying and understanding the frameworks leads to inaccurate results and makes internal processes inefficient. What we can do today: > Done in <5min. > Save 80-90%. > Objective application of the job grading framework as intended, with a full ~20-page compliance report as hedge against future litigation. Although this solution is perfect for companies with employees in the EU, we've also started carving out individual tools to automate and improve job architectures for U.S. clients. We're currently actively looking for design partners and board members. Feel free to reach out to Ben Valk to learn more. #AI #JobGrading #HR #GlobalCompensation #AIinHR #SalaryBenchmarks #Benchmarks #EURegulation

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    Future of Work | A&D | ex-McKinsey | Yale & HEC

    Day 40. ??? The EU's Pay Equity Bombshell: Are You Ready? The EU has a reputation to want to regulate. However, knowing that the gender pay gap is 13% on average, with 19% in Germany, there was pressure to make change happen. Now, the EU is implementing strong new guidelines for how employers can pay. However, it's the volume of drastic shifts that make this new regulation a massive challenge for companies with employees in the EU. Think GDPR, but for HR. This includes: > No more salary secrets. Every job ad must disclose a realistic pay range. > It will be illegal to ask job candidates for salary expectations and pay history. Companies are also no longer allowed to use title-based salary benchmarks (think: Glassdoor). They must evaluate comp based on a value-based approach (think: Job grading). > Companies with 50+ employees must report their gender pay gap. If the gap exceeds 5%, they must develop and communicate an action plan. > Employees can request a salary comparison of them vs. their co-workers. > If Employees feel discriminated against, they can file a class-action lawsuit at 100% backpay (Ex: underpaid $500/mo for 10 years with 9 colleagues = $600,000 payout) > Employes are likely to lose new lawsuits if they cannot provide an independent, objective salary assessment before interviewing the candidate that became the employee. > New fines for incompliance. Now, you might be thinking, "About time!" or "What a headache!" depending on which side of the paycheck you're on. For employees, it's a game-changer. Transparency means power. Knowledge is leverage. For employers? It's a wake-up call. Time to dust off the job architecture and ensure your compensation strategy is airtight. But let's not kid ourselves - implementation won't be a walk in the park. We're talking about dismantling decades of ingrained practices and biases. It's going to be messy, uncomfortable, and absolutely necessary. Most CHROs and Global Comp leaders I've been talking to for the past few months have little to no clue about the implications of this new regulation. The deadline, June 2026, in corporate time is practically tomorrow. That's one of the reasons why my company is automating job grading for salary benchmarks, amongst other tools to automate and improve job architectures. But most companies are far from ready. When the first employees file for these salary comparison reports and the first discrimination lawsuits, it will be too late, and even small companies with ~100 employees could face millions in payouts. Are you ready for the pay equity revolution? How do you think this will change workplace dynamics? Drop your thoughts below. // Day 40 of my #100DaysOfRealTalk. Bringing you tomorrow's workplace changes, today. #PayEquity #EURegulation #WorkplaceFuture #GenderPayGap #100DayChallenge

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    ?? The startup landscape is quickly evolving in the U.S. We are releasing our eye-opening analysis on comparing startup ecosystems in SF, NY, and LA. Here are some key takeaways: ? Despite rumors, Silicon Valley remains its spot as #1 global destination for startup success, although New York is about to steal the crown. ? Last year, more startups were founded in NYC than San Francisco. ? The average early-stage funding round is highest in Silicon Valley, although other cities are growing faster. ? Los Angeles and Boston are amongst the world's largest startup ecosystems, eclipsing any European city. ? San Francisco and Bay Area face challenges with high living costs, crime rates, and population decline. What does this mean for founders and investors? ? Opportunities are expanding beyond Silicon Valley ? NY is rapidly emerging as a formidable competitor to SF. Remember: This aggregate picture will look vastly different for industries and niches. Check out the full analysis attached for more in-depth insights and data visualizations. #StartupEcosystem #VentureCapital #TENETVentures #EntrepreneurshipTrends What are your thoughts on these trends? How do you see them impacting the future of innovation and entrepreneurship in the US?

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    At TENET Ventures, we're witnessing a transformative era in overlooked industries. Many industrial sectors have seen strong growth potential and profitability - yet, few founders are willing to innovate in them, despite new technological tailwinds suggesting huge potential amidst a lack of R&D from incumbents. This new wave of innovation is revolutionizing traditional markets: > Ambulatory Health Services: A $1.3T titan, dwarfing SaaS by 9x. Carbon Health raised $622M for tele health services. > Truck Transportation: A $940B behemoth with 3M U.S. drivers. Convoy Inc raised >$1 billion to operate a digital freight network, while project44 raised $763M to monitor shipments. > Petro-Chemical Market: A staggering $765B industry with minimal startup activity. Twelve ($199M) makes up the majority of the annual startup financing in the last 10 years, which?uses CO2 to create chemicals, materials, and fuels. > HVAC: A surprising $42B market ripe for disruption. Dandelion Energy raised $134M to build software and heat pumps for geothermal energy. The adage "Where there's muck, there's brass" remains relevant. However, we must balance this opportunity with ethical considerations and responsible development. For example, Carbon Health enhances healthcare access without compromising quality, while Convoy reduces emissions while improving drivers' quality of life. Most importantly: We believe in startups' ability to disrupt manufacturing: From pure software to hardware-integrated solutions. We're seeing a shift towards deep tech and AI-capable hardware in industries traditionally resistant to change. At TENET Ventures, we're particularly interested in solutions that can help modernize critical industries in the West. This aligns with broader goals of maintaining technological competitiveness and building resilient supply chains. Challenges remain, including long adoption cycles, complex regulations, and entrenched incumbents. We believe that by adhering to principled innovation, we can address these issues while driving positive impact. We're committed to supporting ventures that not only offer strong returns but also contribute to a more efficient, sustainable world. These overlooked sectors present unique opportunities to build profitable businesses that address critical global challenges. What dual-use technologies do you believe have the most potential for positive impact in these industries? How can startups effectively navigate these unique landscapes while maintaining ethical standards? Join the conversation and help shape the future of responsible innovation in overlooked industries. #IndustryDisruption #ResponsibleInnovation #DeepTech #DualUseTechnology #TENETVentures

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    At TENET Ventures, we're witnessing a transformative era in defense technology. The sector has seen exponential growth, with defense tech startup launches increasing from less than 3 per year to over 12 per month, in just 2 decades. This new wave of innovators is revolutionizing national security capabilities: > Developing disaggregated, resilient systems. > Creating advanced AI and quantum computing solutions. > Enhancing communication networks for real-time intelligence sharing. However, scaling these innovations presents unique challenges. Our research has identified key strategies for success: > Building scalable infrastructure from day one. > Forging partnerships with established defense companies. > Pursuing dual-use applications to broaden market potential. > Vertically integrating hardware and software solutions. > Tailoring sales approaches to navigate complex defense procurement processes. Importantly, the goal isn't to automate warfare, but to develop technologies that protect human lives, defend democratic values, and maintain peace through effective deterrence. The adage "Si vis pacem, para bellum" (If you want peace, prepare for war) remains relevant. However, we must balance this preparedness with ethical considerations and responsible development. For example, the Ghost 4 reconnaissance drone can enhance situational awareness without direct offensive capabilities, potentially reducing military casualties and civilian collateral damage. Whereas the early 2000s largely dominated in Software solutions like Palantir Technologies and various cyber security firms, we are now seeing a shift toward Hardware, whether Deep Tech or hardware-integrated Defense Tech with AI capabilities, such as An interesting recent trend: From Software to Hardware, such as Anduril Industries and Shield AI. At TENET Ventures, we're particularly interested in deep tech solutions that can help reshore critical manufacturing capabilities to the West. This aligns with broader national security goals of maintaining technological sovereignty and resilient supply chains. Challenges remain, including long procurement cycles, complex regulations, and ethical considerations. We believe that by adhering to principled innovation, we can address these issues while driving positive impact. We're committed to supporting ventures that not only offer strong returns but also contribute to a safer, more stable world. The defense tech sector presents a unique opportunity to build profitable businesses that address critical global challenges. What dual-use technologies do you believe have the most potential for positive impact? How can startups effectively navigate the unique landscape of the defense sector while maintaining ethical standards? Join the conversation and help shape the future of responsible defense innovation. #DefenseTech #ResponsibleInnovation #NationalSecurity #DeepTech #DualUseTechnology

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    Last year, we posted about the economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. This narrative sums one of our main theses up very well: Africa is the last frontier of global growth. Thanks to the accurate forecast-ability of GDP, UN data suggests that: > East and West Africa's populations will double by 2050. > Africa's population will triple by 2100, accounting for all population growth. > Even the largest Sub-Saharan African economies have grown by 2-4x since 2000. We believe that entrepreneurship in Africa requires a different approach, centered around simpler business plans, especially compared to the Silicon Valley's love with tech and mobile solutions. Feel free to reach out if you are an entrepreneur or investor with interest in the region. #tenetventures #africa #ssa #growth

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    Future of Work | A&D | ex-McKinsey | Yale & HEC

    Day 4. ?? Are 76 years too long to make an accurate forecast? There may be one exception. So, this Sunday I want to share something I'm passionate about: The 21st century belongs to Sub-Saharan Africa. Last year, a senior geopolitical expert told me something that stuck with me: "You can't forecast the future... but you can forecast GDP." Or, in the words of my former professor, Colin Coleman: "Africa is the last frontier of global growth". Let's dive into why. If you had told the average American 76 years ago (1948), that China would become its main rival, many would have been extremely skeptical. However, geopolitical think tanks accurately forecasted China's socioeconomic explosion. The reason: GDP is a factor of population and productivity. Both are rather stable despite occasional conflicts and catastrophes. China's population grew by 2.6x and its productivity has more than doubled in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Today, things look very different: The D.R. Congo has an average birth rate of >6, compared to China with <1.2 or USA and Germany with ~1.6. Extrapolate this and you can make a very accurate population forecast by 2050, despite minor variances in (im)migration. Similarly, productivity for developing countries slowly assimilate to industrial standards. This not only increases productivity but often assimilates purchase power parity - an important factor for FDI and global power. So, what does this mean? Take the top 10 most populated countries in the world: Today, there's only 1 African country, but 2-3 generations from now, half of them will be African. It has already started: Since 2000, The top 10 largest economies in Sub-Saharan Africa grew 2-4x fold, outgrowing any other region in the world. This is an entrepreneur's paradise: Not having to fight over market share, but rather capturing a fraction of the organic growth. Looking at wealth in Africa, it's not surprising that recent billionaires made their fortunes in importing salt and sugar, cement, and construction - compared to Africa's "old money" coming from telecom, finance, and oil/gas/mining. The most profitable business in Africa is not a Doordash or Uber copycat, but rather a "real" essential business with great execution. So, what's required to tap into this growth? I have only been to 7 of the 46 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, but there's one common theme: Raw potential and a young, inspired populace. Someone told me "We are like seeds. We have the right soil, but we need sunlight and water." What do you think? Do you share the bullish-ness around SSA? Image credit: TENET Ventures #africa #opportunity #lastfrontierofglobalgrowth #ssa

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