Tule kuulemaan maailmanlaajuisesti merkitt?v?st? tietomallihankkeesta! ??????????????????????????????????-???????????????????? tietomallinnus on ollut avainasemassa, mahdollistaen tiiviin yhteisty?n ja aikataulussa pysymisen, samalla kun tilaaja ?????????????????? ?????????????????? asettamat vaatimukset ovat ohjanneet innovatiivisten ja v?h?p??st?isten ratkaisujen toteutusta. Mallinnuksen avulla on pystytty hallitsemaan dynaamisia suunnitelmamuutoksia ja varmistamaan korkea tarkkuus sek? ymp?rist?vaatimusten t?yttyminen. Ilmoittaudu Trimble BIMbuildiin, ?????????? ???????? -?????????????????? ?????????? on voimassa viel? perjantaina 7.3.! Kruunuvuorensillan hankkeessa mukana olleet Aki Kopra Kreate Oyst? , Eero S?rkk? Rambollilta ja Mikko Toola WSP in Finlandilta kertovat hankkeesta p?iv?n toisessa Keynote-esityksess?. Lue lis?? tapahtumasta ja ilmoittaudu t??ll? ?? https://lnkd.in/dEgy5apd #TrimbleBIMbuild #Tekla #Rakennusala #Yhteisty? #Teknologia #Verkostoituminen
Trimble Tekla
Software Development
3D, model-based software for Construction, Structural and Civil Engineering by Trimble.
About us
Tekla software for construction, structural and civil engineering industry is produced by Trimble, a technology company with a vision of transforming the way the world works. Tekla solutions are used for realizing projects around the world, from housing and bridges to factories and skyscrapers. Tekla Software Product Family includes: Tekla Structures: the most advanced Building Information Modeling software on the market. It makes possible accurate, constructible modeling of any structure regardless of its size or material. Tekla Structural Designer: simple, integrated design & analysis software enables engineers to deliver safe, effective and rationalized design more quickly, regardless of structural material. Tekla Tedds: powerful software solution that automates repetitive structural calculations. Tekla Model Sharing: the best BIM collaboration tool for Tekla Structures users. Tekla PowerFab: comprehensive steel fabrication management software suite that provides a systematic, collaborative approach for managing fabrication. Trimble Connect: a cloud-based platform that connects the right people to the right constructible data, at the right time. View, review and reference Tekla models, drawings and other data you need anytime, anywhere.
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- Software Development
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"?? Stay Stocked and Ready with Tekla PowerFab! ?? Ensure you never run out of essential inventory and consumables with the Stock/Reorder feature. Keep your projects running smoothly and efficiently!Watch now https://ow.ly/KWsl50UZWT7 #TeklaPowerFab #InventoryManagement #AlwaysPrepared #ConstructionEfficiency"
M?nadens tips och tricks! Anpassa dina standardinst?llningar i Property Pane! ??? Har du uppdaterat vyer eller part-inst?llningar och vill att de ska g?lla ?ven f?r nya delar och vyer i ritningsl?get? I ?ldre versioner av programmet gjorde man detta via Apply i dialogrutor. I nyare versioner ?r det ist?llet Property Pane som g?ller! F?r att s?kerst?lla att dina senaste inst?llningar sparas f?r framtida objekt och vyer kan du anv?nda Set as Default. D? beh?lls dina val n?sta g?ng du k?r kommandot – b?de i modellering och ritningsl?ge. Smidigt, eller hur? ??
What's shaping 2025 construction activity? Hear from a construction expert on tackling labor shortages, smart procurement strategies, and what's next for data center construction. Read it now:https://ow.ly/kWml50UUyhi Need personalized advice? Slide into our DMs and let's discuss your specific needs – no pressure, just friendly expert guidance!
Trimble Tekla julkaisi t?m?n uudelleen
?? Exciting News from Trimble Inc. for Structural Engineers! ?? We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Tekla Structural Designer Fundamentals eLearning Course! Whether you're new to Tekla Structural Designer or looking to enhance your skills, this self-paced and comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and expertise to excel in your projects. ?? What You Will Learn: - Basic working methods: Navigate the software like a pro. - Modeling: Create intricate and precise models. - Loading: Ensure the safety and integrity of your designs by applying loads properly. - Analysis: Analyze structures and review results effectively. - Design (General): Implement essential design processes, including gravity and lateral workflows, and sway/drift compliance. - Design (Steel & Concrete): Master steel and concrete-specific design workflows. - Foundations: Design various foundation types efficiently. - Reports & Drawings: Generate and refine detailed reports and drawings to communicate your design intent. ?? Course Features: - Interactive videos & tutorials - Practical tasks & simulations - Knowledge checks & quizzes - Comprehensive guides and resources ?? Why Choose This Course? - Flexible learning: Access materials anytime, anywhere. - Expert instructors: Learn from Tekla Structural Designer experts. - Real-world application: Gain the skillset to tackle real-world engineering challenges. - Digital certificate: Receive a digital badge and certificate upon completion. Don't miss this opportunity to take your Tekla Structural Designer knowledge to the next level. Enroll now and start your journey to becoming a Tekla Structural Designer pro! ?? Enroll for free now: https://lnkd.in/gA7YZp-f #StructuralEngineering #TeklaStructuralDesigner #TrainingCourse #ProfessionalDevelopment #EngineeringExcellence
?? Vad ?r det som g?r Tekla Structures s? uppskattat av v?ra kunder? I v?r senaste video f?r vi h?ra direkt fr?n v?ra kunder om varf?r de anv?nder Tekla Structures, vad de tycker ?r allra b?st med programvaran och hur den hj?lper dem i deras arbete. ?? Vi ?r stolta ?ver att f? vara en del av deras framg?ng och motiverade att forts?tta utveckla l?sningar som m?ter deras behov. Tack till Karl Knihs Nicklas Karlsson Erik ?kerman och Andreas Axelsson ??
Manajemen Fabrikasi Baja yang Lengkap & Terhubung dengan Tekla PowerFab! ?? ? Estimasi: Tawar lebih banyak proyek dengan percaya diri dengan program estimasi kami yang akurat. ?? Kelola Proyek: Sederhanakan jadwal, kemajuan, gambar, dan manajemen perubahan dalam satu sistem. ?? Nesting: Minimalkan pemborosan dengan mesin pengoptimalan material kami dan buat daftar potongan yang tepat. ?? Pembelian: Sederhanakan pembelian material dengan permintaan dan pesanan pembelian digital. ?? Kontrol Inventaris: Maksimalkan penggunaan material dengan manajemen inventaris otomatis. ?? Kontrol Produksi: Rencanakan, kelola, dan lacak fabrikasi dengan mudah dan tampilan yang komprehensif. ?? Manajemen Gudang: Catat kemajuan secara real-time dengan penelusuran penuh. ?? Pengiriman: Pastikan pengiriman tepat waktu dengan alat perencanaan dan pelacakan. ?? Dasbor: Pantau produktivitas dan efisiensi workshop secara real-time. ??https://lnkd.in/gFBMwke3 #SteelFabrication #TeklaPowerFab #Efficiency #ConstructionManagement #RealTimeTracking #OptimizeProduction
“Thanks to the open API, a developer can talk to Tekla Structures through the code. You have access to all the data behind what you’re modeling. This means you can easily create your desired output, as all the information is there”. Pawel Lisowski Head of Software Development ScaffPlan. Read why you too should consider Tekla Structures as the platform for your success: https://tek.la/3d7 #ConstructionTechnology #startups #programming #Developer #DotNET #TeklaStructures #TeklaAPI
“I’ve seen teams of 40 people waste hundreds of hours when unstable platforms crash. Not so with Tekla Structures. It’s extremely robust.” Marhinus du Plessis Managing Director at ParaMatic (Pty) Ltd Read why you too should consider Tekla Structures as the platform for your success: https://tek.la/3d7 #ConstructionTechnology #startups #programming #Developer #DotNET #TeklaStructures #TeklaAPI