Great week last week at the Congreso Panamgeo Chile. We caught up with our distributor’s Autana Equipos, GSS Titan and Berma along with several WiDF members #Autana#Berma#GSSTitan#WiDF
TEI Rock Drills is an industry leader in the manufacture of rock drill excavator attachments, limited access drill rigs, safety equipment, and associated components. All TEI products are created by in-house engineers, uniquely patented, and manufactured in our ISO-compliant facility. TEI equipment is proudly made exclusively in the US with American made parts to ensure quality, efficiency, and up-to-the-minute innovation.
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210 Apollo Rd
Thank you Pile Buck! #Pilebuck#TEIRockDrills#micropiles
TEI customer outside of Salt Lake City installing 38mm hollow bar to 40’ the last day of spring Credit: TEI Rock Drills #Pilebuck #EandCmedia #drilling #construction
So proud to support, Bill Patterson, founder of TEI Rock Drills with the TEI Management Team #TEIRockDrills #BillyAller#KelseyMcCarthy#MikeLobato#ToddBoyd#BobForeman#CorriSchmidt#BillPatterson
Thank you to our distributor Promotora Berma for the great service!
Colaboro con profesionales de la geotecnia para ayudarlos a construir una infraestructura más segura y confiable. ??#alwaysunderconstruction
Mantener tu equipo de perforación no es solo importante, ?es esencial! Una rutina de inspecciones regulares, reparaciones preventivas y limpieza a profundidad puede prevenir averías costosas y mantener tus proyectos avanzando sin contratiempos. Recuerda, el mantenimiento no es un gasto, es una inversión en la continuidad y éxito de tus operaciones. Un mantenimiento adecuado maximiza la eficiencia y prolonga la vida útil de tu equipo de perforación. En Promotora Berma, estamos aquí para ayudarte a mantener tus equipos TEI Rock Drills en las mejores condiciones. ??#alwaysunderconstruction? . . . #drilling #teirockdrills #rockdrills #murodecontencion #ingenieriageotecnica #geotechnicaldrilling #geotecniaaplicada #geotecnia #HollowBar #BarrasAutoperforantes #retainingwall #Perforacion #Anclaje
Day One at #S32024 was well-attended with packed committee meeting rooms, exhibit set-up and the WiDF reception celebrating 10 years of the Women in Deep Foundations committee. Great job conference chair Susan Frank of TEI Rock Drills and the whole organizing committee! And ADSC Rocky Mountain chapter for their support.
Thank you Pile Buck Magazine, all TEI track drills are powered by electric. #Pilebuck#teirockdrills
The TEI limited access electric TD100 getting the job done in Utah Credit: TEI Rock Drills #Pilebuck #EandCmedia #drilling #construction
Thank you to our distributor Foothills Drilling Equipment for a great video of the TEI water mist system #FDE#TEI
Dust suppression done right. TEI Rock Drills DS26851