Feeling overwhelmed by your Slate for Student Success implementation? ?? Our own Benjamin Szabo, M.A. and Steve Dailey are teaming up with Platinum Preferred Partner, RHB, to share practical tips and strategies to break it down into manageable steps. Don’t miss these sessions! ??
Join us for a Two-Part Slate Series with RHB and Technolutions focused on Student Success initiatives. Part 1: Getting Started with Student Success, April 10 *Technolutions’ Ben Szabo will join RHB’s Megan Miller to discuss the strategic decisions you need to make before starting a Student Success implementation. Part 2: Getting Started with Student Success, May 1 *Technolutions’ Steve Dailey will join RHB’s Jolene Monson to showcase successful data structures for Student Success and preview how Slate’s new Enrollments feature may support your current student processes. Discover more about these virtual courses and register online: