“What is virtual tutoring like?” This is a common question! With Pencil Spaces, Ignite fellows are able to maximize their time with students to accelerate learning and foster belonging. #highimpacttutoring #virtualtutoring
Katie Tennessen Hooten is the visionary leader who founded the Teach For America Ignite Fellowship, a stellar high-dosage tutoring program. Ignite builds on Teach For America's over 30 years of experience recruiting and developing leaders to partner with schools across the country. Leveraging research-based best practices for high-impact tutoring, the Ignite Fellowship brings exceptional, equity-minded leaders into classrooms virtually to immediately add value through customized learning. All of us at Pencil Spaces feel incredibly fortunate to get to partner with Katie and her outstanding team in powering TFA Ignite. Katie, thank you for your kind words. Thank you also for the massive impact that you and your team drive every day! We are honored to get to power and amplify your very important work serving students nationwide. Thank you for inspiring us and for putting your trust in us. ?? #TeachForAmerica #TFAIgnite #PencilSpaces #Tutoring #Impact #Education #BetterEducation