StatisTax, LLC

StatisTax, LLC


An interactive web app with revenue, spending, and debt data for state and local governments throughout the U.S.


StatisTax's Taxpayer Dashboard allows users to search, map, and compare per-capita revenue, spending, and debt data for state and local governments throughout the United States. The U.S. has over 19,000 municipal governments, 16,000 townships, and 3,000 counties, all of which have the power to levy taxes, contract debts, and spend residents’ money. Until now, it has been virtually impossible for the average citizen to track down all the revenue, spending, and debt data for each layer of government in the communities across the country. Although all such information is public, it is often only accessible through disparate, difficult-to-locate sources. As a result, most abuses of local governments go undetected, leaving the taxpayer unable to make informed decisions about where to live, raise a family, and start a business. The “Taxpayer Dashboard” changes all of that. By simply typing an address into the Dashboard’s search engine, users can instantly view the revenues, expenditures, and debts for their city, township, county, state, and federal government. The Taxpayer Dashboard reports these data in per-capita terms to control for population variance, delivering uniform metrics with which to compare the fiscal health of communities across the country.

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