Check out past conversations with Dr. Pedraja at
Quinsigamond Community College President Dr. Luis Pedraja on National Hispanic Heritage Month and QCC's increasing Latino student population.
Talk of the Commonwealth airs mornings from 6-10 a.m. on the Radio Worcester Network. Heard daily on AM 830 WCRN. Live streamed at The Talk of the Commonwealth podcast can be downloaded from iTunes, SoundCloud, Spotify and Stitcher.
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134 Gold St
Check out past conversations with Dr. Pedraja at
Quinsigamond Community College President Dr. Luis Pedraja on National Hispanic Heritage Month and QCC's increasing Latino student population.
A must listen for anyone interested in the housing crisis.
The Worcester Business Development Corporation (WBDC) presents a deep dive into the issue of taking office space in the city and converting it to housing. Host, Roberta Brien, Executive Vice President, of the WBDC pulls together a panel including Mark Rengel, VP of Development from Menkiti Group, Peter Dunn, Chief Development Officer from the City of Worcester and Eric Halverson, Principal from RKG Associates to discuss conversion of existing inventory in the City.
Check out for the best interviews.
TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA, INC. is returning to the DCU Center in City of Worcester for two shows on November 30th. ?Jeff Plate, TSO drummer, who has been there since the start, gives us the history of the band and how it has become a phenomenon with over twenty million tickets sold.
Hear our latest conversion with a medical expert from St. Vincent's. Check out more at
Dr. David Sommer, of the Neurology and Movement Disorders Department at Saint Vincent Hospital speaks with us about what Parkinson’s Disease is, diagnosis, symptoms, and treatments. #Parkinsons
Check out all our podcasts and past episodes of DCM at
On this edition of the Discover Central Massachusetts podcast, Timothy Power of DCM, lets us know that the new fall and winter visitor's guide is out. Tim says these guides go all over the country to let people know about what is happening in Central MA. #topofthetower Amy LeBlanc #burncoatcenterforartsandwellness Kimberly Mowers
Exciting news on the Harvest Festival. Check out all our interviews at
A great new festival is coming to City of Worcester! Stephanie Ramey stops by the Talk of the Commonwealth with all the details about the Harvest Festival on October 13th from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come and enjoy the Farmer's Market from 11 to 2 but that is just part of this fantastic event.?#Harvestfestival #farmersmarket
Find past conversations with Dr. Joe Robinson on Veteran's Affairs at
City of Worcester is holding a Veterans Health Clinic on Friday, September 27th, from 10-2 PM on Worcester Common. Director of Veterans Services Dr. Joe F. Robinson stops by Talk of the Commonwealth to give us details on the free shots, blood pressure exams, massages and more.?
Congratulations to the Coghlin family.
World Smile Day and the Harvey Ball are the first Friday in October. City of Worcester Worcester Historical Museum Barbara Guertin, MBA-HRM (She/Her) #worldsmileday #HarveyBall
Find our latest interviews at
Everything you need to know about Triple E and West Nile Virus. George M. Abraham, MD Chief of Medicine Director, Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine Saint Vincent Hospital tells us about the viruses, separates fact from fiction, and gives us some common sense precautions.
Check out all our podcasts with ClearPath Financial at
On this edition of the ClearPath Financial Partners podcast, President Ryan Kittredge, CFP?, talks about inheritance and how you handle that, from both the parents and loved ones perspective.