"?? How a Bad Hire Can Cost Your Company Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Every business wants to fill vacancies as quickly as possible, especially for key positions. However, rushing the hiring process can lead to significant financial losses, lost clients, and even stalled business growth. We want to share a real case study that illustrates why thoroughly vetting candidates is essential and how hiring mistakes can cost a company hundreds of thousands of dollars. ?? Client Request: Hiring an Account Manager One of our clients, a successful e-commerce company, faced unexpected challenges after hiring the wrong candidate. ?? Objective: To hire an Account Manager who would handle client relationships, improve communication, and enhance partner interactions. ?? What Went Wrong? ? No hard skills assessment �C The candidate performed well in interviews but lacked real-world competence. ? No test task was given �C The company relied solely on conversations rather than practical assessments. ? No in-depth competency evaluation �C The hiring team failed to assess the candidate��s ability to analyze tasks, solve problems, and handle crisis situations. ?? The Outcome: Financial and Client Losses Initially, things seemed fine, but over time, it became clear that the Account Manager was struggling: ?? Clients started leaving due to poor communication. ?? Deals took longer to close because the manager couldn��t make quick decisions. ?? The company had to restructure processes and fix mistakes made by the employee. After six months, the business fell into losses, losing several key clients and a significant amount of revenue due to failed contracts. ?? Lessons Learned: How to Avoid These Mistakes? ?? Thorough candidate screening �C Go beyond standard interviews, include test assignments, and evaluate real case scenarios. ?? Attention to detail �C Assess not only professional skills but also soft skills, learning ability, independence, and stress resilience. ?? Don��t rush the process �C Saving time on candidate evaluation can result in much greater financial losses in the long run. ?? How We Help Companies Find the Best Talent? We collaborate with large brands and startups, helping them find professionals who bring real value to their businesses. ? In-depth candidate evaluation �C Beyond resumes, we conduct test assignments, case study analysis, and personality assessments. ? Proactive talent search �C We don��t just wait for applications; we identify and approach top professionals, even those currently employed elsewhere. ? Risk minimization �C We help companies avoid costly hiring mistakes that could impact their bottom line. ?? Recently, we successfully placed seven designers for a major e-commerce project. Each candidate was carefully vetted, and as a result, the company built a highly qualified team capable of driving business growth.
TALENTS BOUTIQUE - E-commerce Recruiting agency
Our agency specializes in hiring employees from Eastern Europe for the E-commerce industry: Amazon, TikTok Shop, Walmart
TALENTS BOUTIQUE Recruiting Agency. We specialize in hiring employees for the E-commerce industry, especially for Amazon, TikTok Shop, Walmart, Shopify business. We provide you full services from the consultation before the hiring proses, and job description creation till the final interview. - 6 years experience in hiring for E-commerce - More than 15 000 E-commerce specialists in Database - Moneyback guarantee - 1-3 months of Active Guaranty after you hire the candidate. ?? Current Job Openings: https://talents-boutique.hurma.work/public-vacancies
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TALENTS BOUTIQUE - E-commerce Recruiting agency Ա��
Pavel Khazanov
Digital Nomad, 7 figure Amazon Business Owner, Amazon Expert, Investor
Lada Khazanov
AMAZON SELLER | Owner of the E-commerce Recruiting Agency "TALENTS BOUTIQUE" ?? Save your time for what you do best - trust me to find the right��
Ilona Novikova
Recruiter | e-commerce recruiter
Alexandre Duchamps
Responsable g��n��ral adjoint chez TALENTS BOUTIQUE - E-commerce Recruiting agency
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?? �����ާ�� ���ڧ�: Walmart �ܧѧ� �ҧڧ٧ߧ֧� �� �����֧��ڧ� ?? �����٧��, ���ڧԧݧѧ�ѧ֧� �ӧѧ� �ߧ� ����ާ�� ���ڧ�, �ԧէ� �ҧ�է֧� �ԧ�ӧ��ڧ�� �� Walmart Marketplace �� �ܧѧ� �ߧ� �ߧ֧� �����ڧ�� �ҧڧ٧ߧ֧�, �٧ѧ�ѧҧѧ���ӧѧ�� �� ��ѧ٧ӧڧӧѧ���� �� �����֧��ڧ�! ?? ���ѧ� �ԧ���� �� ���ѧ���ߧ� ������ѧԧڧߧ�, ��ܧ��֧�� �� e-commerce �� 2017 �ԧ�է�, �ܧ����ѧ� ��ا� 4 �ԧ�է� ���ާ�ԧѧ֧� ���֧է��ڧߧڧާѧ�֧ݧ�� �ӧ����էڧ�� �ߧ� Walmart, ������էڧ�� �ӧ֧�ڧ�ڧܧѧ�ڧ�, ���٧էѧӧѧ�� ����֧�ߧ��� �ݧڧ��ڧߧԧ� �� �ާѧ���ѧҧڧ��ӧѧ�� ����էѧا�. ?? ���ѧ٧ҧ֧�֧� �ܧݧ��֧ӧ��� �ӧ������: ? ���֧� Walmart ���ݧڧ�ѧ֧��� ��� Amazon? ? ���ѧܧڧ� ���ڧҧܧ� ���ӧ֧��ѧ�� �ߧ�ӧڧ�ܧ�? ? ����� �ߧ�اߧ�, ����ҧ� �ߧѧ�ѧ�� ����էѧӧѧ��? ? ���ѧܧڧ� ���ӧѧ�� �ݧ���� �ӧ�֧ԧ� �٧ѧ��է��? ? ���ѧܧڧ� �ܧѧ��֧�ߧ��� �ӧ�٧ާ�اߧ���� �֧��� �� ���֧�ڧѧݧڧ���� Walmart Marketplace? ����է֧� ���ݧ֧٧ߧ� �� ��֧�, �ܧ�� ��ا� �� e-commerce, �� ��֧�, �ܧ�� ���ݧ�ܧ� �ڧ�֧� �ߧ�ӧ�� �ߧڧ�� �ڧݧ� �����֧��ڧ�. ?? ���ѧ�� �� �ӧ�֧ާ�: 27 ��֧ӧ�ѧݧ� �� 18:00 ��� ���ڧ֧ӧ� (11:00 ��� �����-�����ܧ�) ?? ������ݧܧ� �ߧ� ���ڧ� �ҧ�է֧� �� ��֧ݧ֧ԧ�ѧާ� �ܧѧߧѧݧ�. ����ڧ��֧էڧߧ�ۧ�֧��: https://lnkd.in/dQWyffJj ���ѧէѧӧѧۧ�� �ӧ������ �� �ܧ�ާާ֧ߧ�ѧ�ڧ��, �� ���ѧ���ߧ� ���ӧ֧�ڧ� �ߧ� �ߧڧ� �� ����ާ�� ���ڧ��! ����է֧� �ާѧܧ�ڧާ�� ���ݧ�٧� �ҧ֧� �ӧ�է� �� �ߧ� ��������ڧ��! ??
Recruiting Through the Eyes of HR ? How do HR professionals evaluate candidates? What matters most to them? Job seekers often feel nervous before an interview. But what if we look at recruiting from the HR perspective? ? What do recruiters assess when hiring? ?? Skills and experience �C Do they match the job requirements? ?? Flexibility and adaptability �C Can the candidate learn and grow? ?? Soft skills �C How well does the candidate communicate and solve problems? ? How to Stand Out Among Hundreds of Resumes? ?? Create a concise yet informative resume ?? Include case studies or portfolio samples ?? Be prepared for test tasks or trial projects ?? Want to Apply? ?? Click the link: https://lnkd.in/d2Fc9jCE #AmazonPPC #EcommerceCareers #MarketingJobs #PPCAdvertising #job #HR
?? How to Build a Successful Career in Amazon Advertising? Amazon PPC is not just a job��it��s a career with huge potential! If you want to break into the e-commerce industry but don��t know where to start, Amazon advertising can be your stepping stone into the world of high-paying digital professions. ? What do you need for a successful start? ?? Take specialized Amazon PPC courses to understand how the platform works ?? Develop analytical thinking and data-driven skills ?? Be ready for dynamic learning and continuous skill improvement ? What are the career prospects? ?? In just 6-12 months, you can reach the level of a Middle PPC Manager ?? In a couple of years, you can become a Senior Specialist with a salary of $4,000-$5,000 ?? Demand for Amazon specialists exceeds supply, meaning you have a great chance to build a successful career quickly! ?? How to Apply? ?? Click the link: https://lnkd.in/da5wntUi #AmazonPPC #EcommerceCareers #MarketingJobs #PPCAdvertising
?? How We Helped a Business Find the Perfect Candidate Case Study: How We Found the Ideal Specialist in Just 14 Days Every business faces challenges in hiring the right employees. It��s especially difficult when you need a unique specialist who doesn��t just complete tasks but truly adds value to the company. ? Client��s Request: Our team worked with an e-commerce brand looking for a PPC specialist with Amazon advertising experience. The main requirements were strong analytical skills, expertise in campaign optimization, and experience handling large budgets. ? What We Did: ?? Defined a clear profile of the ideal candidate ?? Conducted an in-depth market analysis and actively searched for specialists ?? Held detailed interviews to assess candidates' motivation and skills ? Results: Within 14 days, the position was successfully filled, and the new specialist optimized advertising campaigns, increasing the client��s ROI by 25%! ?? Want the same results? Submit your request �C we��ll find the perfect candidate for you! ?? ?? How to Apply? Write us a private message #AmazonPPC #EcommerceCareers #MarketingJobs #PPCAdvertising #job?#hr
Learn how to build a career as an Amazon PPC Specialist and earn $1,000�C$3,000 per month! ?? ?? In this video: ? What does an Amazon PPC Specialist do? ? What skills do you need? ? How to enter this field quickly? Watch the video to get all the details! ?? ?? How to Apply? ?? Link: https://lnkd.in/da5wntUi ?? E-mail: [email protected]
?? �����ާ�� ���ڧ�: Walmart �ܧѧ� �ҧڧ٧ߧ֧� �� �����֧��ڧ� ?? �����٧��, ���ڧԧݧѧ�ѧ֧� �ӧѧ� �ߧ� ����ާ�� ���ڧ�, �ԧէ� �ҧ�է֧� �ԧ�ӧ��ڧ�� �� Walmart Marketplace �� �ܧѧ� �ߧ� �ߧ֧� �����ڧ�� �ҧڧ٧ߧ֧�, �٧ѧ�ѧҧѧ���ӧѧ�� �� ��ѧ٧ӧڧӧѧ���� �� �����֧��ڧ�! ?? ���ѧ� �ԧ���� �� ���ѧ���ߧ� ������ѧԧڧߧ�, ��ܧ��֧�� �� e-commerce �� 2017 �ԧ�է�, �ܧ����ѧ� ��ا� 4 �ԧ�է� ���ާ�ԧѧ֧� ���֧է��ڧߧڧާѧ�֧ݧ�� �ӧ����էڧ�� �ߧ� Walmart, ������էڧ�� �ӧ֧�ڧ�ڧܧѧ�ڧ�, ���٧էѧӧѧ�� ����֧�ߧ��� �ݧڧ��ڧߧԧ� �� �ާѧ���ѧҧڧ��ӧѧ�� ����էѧا�. ?? ���ѧ٧ҧ֧�֧� �ܧݧ��֧ӧ��� �ӧ������: ? ���֧� Walmart ���ݧڧ�ѧ֧��� ��� Amazon? ? ���ѧܧڧ� ���ڧҧܧ� ���ӧ֧��ѧ�� �ߧ�ӧڧ�ܧ�? ? ����� �ߧ�اߧ�, ����ҧ� �ߧѧ�ѧ�� ����էѧӧѧ��? ? ���ѧܧڧ� ���ӧѧ�� �ݧ���� �ӧ�֧ԧ� �٧ѧ��է��? ? ���ѧܧڧ� �ܧѧ��֧�ߧ��� �ӧ�٧ާ�اߧ���� �֧��� �� ���֧�ڧѧݧڧ���� Walmart Marketplace? ����է֧� ���ݧ֧٧ߧ� �� ��֧�, �ܧ�� ��ا� �� e-commerce, �� ��֧�, �ܧ�� ���ݧ�ܧ� �ڧ�֧� �ߧ�ӧ�� �ߧڧ�� �ڧݧ� �����֧��ڧ�. ?? ���ѧ�� �� �ӧ�֧ާ�: 27 ��֧ӧ�ѧݧ� �� 18:00 ��� ���ڧ֧ӧ� (11:00 ��� �����-�����ܧ�) ?? ������ݧܧ� �ߧ� ���ڧ� �ҧ�է֧� �� ��֧ݧ֧ԧ�ѧާ� �ܧѧߧѧݧ�. ����ڧ��֧էڧߧ�ۧ�֧��: https://lnkd.in/dQWyffJj ���ѧէѧӧѧۧ�� �ӧ������ �� �ܧ�ާާ֧ߧ�ѧ�ڧ��, �� ���ѧ���ߧ� ���ӧ֧�ڧ� �ߧ� �ߧڧ� �� ����ާ�� ���ڧ��! ����է֧� �ާѧܧ�ڧާ�� ���ݧ�٧� �ҧ֧� �ӧ�է� �� �ߧ� ��������ڧ��! ?? #walmart #amazon #ecommerce #ecommerce_webinars #live
?? Junior Amazon PPC Specialist ? Requirements: ?? Completed Amazon PPC course OR experience in Google/Meta PPC with a willingness to transition ?? Strong analytical skills and ability to optimize campaigns ?? English proficiency for communication and reporting ?? Ability to work remotely with a structured workflow ? What We Offer: ???Training & Mentorship �C Learn directly from the company��s founder ???Remote Work �C Flexible schedule with clear processes ???Career Growth �C Develop into a specialist or managerial role ???Competitive Salary �C Grow as you gain experience ? About the Company: ?? We build and scale our own Amazon brands, aiming to become a multi-brand, multimillion-dollar e-commerce company. ?? Start your Amazon PPC career today! Apply Now: Junior PPC Specialist (Amazon) ?? https://lnkd.in/da5wntUi
TALENTS BOUTIQUE - E-commerce Recruiting agency ת����
?? Proud to present our Gold Sponsors for EUSECON 2025! These industry leaders are here to empower Amazon sellers with top-tier tools, strategies, and support: ?? Ecomcy �C Scaling brands globally on Amazon, Walmart, and TikTok. ?? Threecolts �C 15+ tools to conquer margin compression in 2025. ?? FBAPrepared �C The go-to prep center for European Amazon sellers. ?? Taxually �C Simplifying tax compliance for Amazon sellers worldwide. ?? TALENTS BOUTIQUE - E-commerce Recruiting agency �C Your trusted e-commerce recruiting partner. ?? Data Dive Tools �C The fastest way to validate, launch, and optimize brands. These incredible sponsors are here to help to take your business further! ?? Join us March 5�C8, 2025, in Prague to meet them and discover how they can transform your Amazon journey. ??? Tickets available now: www.eusecon.com #EUSECON25 #AmazonFBA #EuropeanSellerConference #GrowYourBusiness #AmazonTools #Threecolts #TalentsBoutique #Ecomcy #FBAPrepared #Taxually #DataDive