3.9.14 (Riverside, CA) Led by President Joyce Yeh, the Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles (TACCLA) and the TJCC Los Angeles - 洛杉磯台美商會青商部 embarked on an enriching excursion to Lucky Farms for a morning of orange picking. TACCLA extends its gratitude to Gary Liaou, director of the TACCLA Board and owner of Lucky Farms, as well as the Inland Chinese Association 內陸華人聯誼會 for their gracious hosting. Subsequent to the engaging orange picking activity, TACCLA and TJCCLA proceeded to the esteemed Historical Mission Inn Riverside for a luncheon and a guided tour. 洛杉磯台美商會一日遊,由葉怡蘭會長帶領前往理事Gary的橘子果園摘橘子,現場受到內陸華人協會的熱情招待,現榨柳丁汁 ,非常甜及具有維他命C的美味果汁,午餐由葉會長作東,在附有歷史性的Mission Inn用餐,就在午餐後大家興高采烈的參觀百年酒店的歷史後,滿意的踏上歸途。 本次活動具有相當的意義,商會理事以及會員之間彼此增加交流與感情互動,並可促進商會更團結一心,感謝蔡會長以及Johnny 的用心安排,以及Gary無限供應柳橙與新鮮蔬菜,期盼著下次活動更多理事、會員參加!