?? Women in Biomedical Science ?? ?? 婦女月特別活動 | Women’s History Month Special Event ?? ?? 夢想 vs. 現實,真的只能選一個嗎? 是否曾經猶豫過,擁有家庭後,夢想是否還能實現? 是否曾經迷茫過,目標該如何一步步達成? 是否曾經想過,踏上異鄉的旅程,如何在生醫領域闖出一片天? 這一次,我們邀請了四位勇敢追夢、在美國生醫產業發光發熱的傑出女性,與您分享她們的親身經歷! ???? 從科研職涯到家庭平衡,從挑戰重重到成功突破,她們的故事,或許也能成為你的靈感與動力! ?? 日期:03/07/2025? ?? 地點:Google Meet(報名後提供連結) ?? 時間:8:00 EST ? 講者陣容: ?? Yi-Rou Wang – Senior Manager, Autolus Therapeutics ?? Grace Shaw (Tzun-Wen Shaw) – Bioinformatics Scientist, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia ?? Lily Cho – Study Director, Charles River Labs ?? 退休生技二姐 (Hsiao-Ling Hung, PhD, RAC)– President of TAAB, Former SVP of Ambrx 這場溫馨又充滿力量的對談,將帶您探索: ? 如何在異國發展生醫事業,找到自己的定位? ? 如何在家庭與夢想之間找到平衡,不放棄自己? ? 單親媽媽帶著兩個孩子勇闖美國的故事,如何克服挑戰? ? 職涯發展的關鍵心法,如何建立人脈、突破自我? ?? 無論您是職場新鮮人、家庭職場雙棲者,還是尋求改變的科學女性,這場講座都將為您帶來滿滿的啟發與力量! ?? 立即報名:https://lnkd.in/guJKXndK ?? 婦女月,就讓我們一起見證「她」的力量!期待與你線上相見!???? You?will be given?the meeting information as soon as you finish the registration form. You will also receive a Google Meet invite before the event. ??? Follow TAAB 台美生技協會 Website: https://lnkd.in/eKffr9hq Facebook Page: https://lnkd.in/erVjU7Q LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/dzN-Z-vz Instagram:?https://lnkd.in/d3K3b92H Threads:?https://lnkd.in/deBv-A4e Email?[email protected]
Taiwanese American Association of Biotechnology | TAAB
Princeton, NJ 08543,NJ 1,892 位关注者
“Advancing Careers, Empowering Biotech Professionals - Connect, Learn and Growth with TAAB”
The Taiwanese American Association of Biotechnology (TAAB), formerly known as the Taiwanese American Association of Pharmaceuticals (TAAP) between 2004-2019, aims to create a network platform for Taiwanese Americans working in the biotech and pharmaceutical fields. The organization seeks to provide members with opportunities to communicate and exchange information, as well as to offer expertise and support for career development. TAAB also aims to promote and accelerate the growth of Taiwan's biotech and pharmaceutical industries. The organization serves as a source of expertise, consultation, and leadership for the industry. Additionally, TAAB acts as a conduit for job opportunities in the United States for those in the biotech and pharmaceutical fields in Taiwan. The organization's website is https://www.taab-us.org where members can find more information and resources about the association and its activities. TAAB is dedicated to serving the Taiwanese American biotech and pharmaceutical community, providing a platform for members to connect, share knowledge, and advance their careers.
- 网站
Taiwanese American Association of Biotechnology | TAAB的外部链接
- 所属行业
- 生物技术研究
- 规模
- 11-50 人
- 总部
- Princeton, NJ 08543,NJ
- 类型
- 非营利机构
- 创立
- 2004
7864 POBOX
US,NJ,Princeton, NJ 08543,08543
Taiwanese American Association of Biotechnology | TAAB员工
Lei Cochran, MS, MBA, PMP
Leadership in Program Management & Alliance Management
Chunta Ho
Neuroscientist | NeuroHIV | Drug Discovery & Development | Pre-clinical studies | Pharamacology & Physiology | Pathology & Microbiology | Passionate…
Tai-Yun Kuo
Key Account Management | Marketing Strategy | Biotechnology
Yu Tai-yuan
親愛的台美生技協會會員及朋友們: 2025-2027 年度理事會成員已正式揭曉!本次共有九位會員提名參與競選。由於參選人數少於預定的 11 位當選名額,經協會決議免予選舉,直接邀請所有參與競選的會員成為 2025-2027 年度理事,與我們一同為台美生技協會的蓬勃未來努力!新任理事之任期自 2025 年 3 月 1 日起至 2027 年 2 月 28 日止。 同時,我們要藉此機會感謝以下在任期屆滿後不再競選的現任理事: Mandy Su - 2017-2023 財務 Tai-Yun Kuo 郭黛筠 - 副會長、2022 年會總召、mentorship program chair Emily Yi-Hui Lai 賴怡惠 - 2023 年會總召、2024 財務 Max Li 李宗衡 - mentor、多屆年會 food and logistics Lei Cochran 莊蕾潔 - Webinar chair、mentor Alex Hung 洪克璿- mentor 感謝各位在任期中的熱心貢獻、投入心力以及月會討論,使台美生技協會茁壯成今日的規模,並服務了許多台美生技人! 以下為 2025-2027 年度九位理事的簡介。我們也特別歡迎三位新任理事:梁茂實Mao-Shih Liang、沈君平 Chun-Pyn Shen (沈君平) DDS PhD、楊秉修 Bing-Shiou Yang,多年來對台美生技協會默默付出,現在終於成為正式理事,將為 TAAB 帶來全新的方向與想法!
2023-2025理事即將於2月底屆滿, 我們要在2025年1月改選理事! 如果你喜歡台美生技協會過去的活動, 想要成為理事來為台美生技協會的未來貢獻, 或是想要有投票權,不要忘了在年底前確認你有會員身分喔! As we gather with friends and family for the year-end celebration, we want to thank all of you for your unwavering support for TAAB events this year and wish you a restful and joyous holiday break! We have just sent out email announcement to TAAB members for the next term TAAB board nomination and election. If you are interested in voting and/or running for the board, please note that this is a privilege for active members (permanent or annual) only. If you are not a TAAB members, we encourage you to become a member if you find our activities meaningful. For annual membership, the period runs from the joining date to the end of year of the following year. For example, any annual member that joins in 2024, the membership expires 12/31/2025.
[2024 年會回顧- 志工感謝文] ?“It all starts with a great idea and teamwork.” 2024年TAAB年會刷新報名人數新高,非常感謝所有與會者對我們的支持跟鼓勵。 一場年會的成功,背後需要許多人支持跟合作,2024年TAAB大膽地採用全美台灣生物人海選模式,超過半數工作人員是第一次參與TAAB年會,也為今年TAAB年會注入新的想法,謝謝你們的熱血加入,也謝謝你們在無數個下班後夜晚一同來籌備活動,我們精選了一些現場的活動照片,也包含我們籌備團隊的名單,感謝所有工作人員的付出,期待未來再更多活動看到大家。 最後祝大家佳節愉快,我們明年再見! 本次活動攝影: Julie Tu, Yu-Hsuan Wei, Ya-Gin Chang
[2024 年會回顧--感謝講者] New York: A city of endless inspiration and possibilities 2024年TAAB年會圓滿落幕,籌備團隊特別感謝所有講者的寶貴分享。我們衷心感謝圖策智能科技創辦人Dr. Ching-Yung Lin及第一三共全球研發部門負責人Dr. Ken Takeshita醫師,還有來自生物醫藥界的28位講者,他們為我們帶來了精彩的CDMO論壇及多場小組討論,涵蓋了研發、製造、臨床試驗、職涯轉換、市場分析、專案經理、生物醫學產業101及斜槓人生等主題。 在職涯講座系列中,我們特別感謝Dr. Yen-Po (Harvey) Chin, MD, PhD分享從學術到業界的多元職涯路徑,以及11位職涯前輩進行的模擬面試。此外,本次年會首度推出的“Find your mentor”和“職涯Fun心聊”環節,邀請了22位講者為參加者提供近距離的職涯分享。 感謝所有講者在紐約的精彩演講,為在美台灣生醫人帶來了技術及職涯上的新啟發TAAB也很開心能夠陪伴大家在職涯上的成長,一起創造生醫發展的無限潛能。 本次活動攝影: Julie Tu, Yu-Hsuan Wei, Ya-Gin Chang
[2024年會回顧] The Big Apple: Where Dreams Come True ? TAAB 成立於2004年,歷經了20年的成長,我們終於成功地在2024年將年會移師到大蘋果|紐約。 感謝今年的贊助商:? 中華民國僑務委員會? 波士頓經文處科技組? 國家科學及技術委員會? 新竹科學園區管理局? 昱展新藥生技股份有限公司(Alar)? 藥華醫藥股份有限公司(PharmaEssentia)? 台灣浩鼎生技股份有限公司(OBI Pharma)? 智擎生技製藥股份有限公司(PharmaEngine) 永笙生技公司(StemCyte) 最後感謝我們的贊助商- 99 Ranch 大華超市提供年會的台式點心跟飲品,活動當天不少參加者表示能夠吃到台式點心非常開心,小編甚至來不及拿到飲料瞬間清空。 2024年TAAB年會成功在紐約Hunter College圓滿落幕,感謝所有與會者的參加,TAAB很開心在年會中看到許多老朋友的回家以及新朋友的加入,參與者的回饋也表示在這場年會中也找到同領域的前輩,擴展自己的人脈。 對於籌備年會的我們而言,每個人的鼓勵都是幫助TAAB前進的動力,期待未來可以再更多活動看見大家。 以下的照片歡迎大家自行存取,可以找看看照片裡面有沒有你/妳唷 本次活動攝影: Julie Tu, Yu-Hsuan Wei, Ya-Gin Chang
Fireside Chat: From Lab to Business - What does it take to change the career runway to business? – A Conversation across Business Development, Alliance Management, Project Management and Technology Licensing Office to illustrate the career transition opportunities. ??? Time: 9-11pm ET / 6-8pm PT, December 15? (US) / 10am-12pm Taiwan, December 16 (Taiwan) ?? Registration Link: https://lnkd.in/eaSKFTnz ???Speaker:? Li-Ming Liang 梁立明, MSc., MBA (LinkedIn) Benning Wang 王本甯, MSc, LLB, MBA, CLP. (LinkedIn) Lei (Chuang) Cochran 莊蕾潔, MS., MBA., PMP (LinkedIn) Speaker BIOs Webinar Description:? In recent years, many have sought guidance on navigating the transition from academia to industry, particularly in shifting from scientific roles to business-oriented positions. However, misconceptions abound regarding opportunities in business. Is Business Development (BD) merely about securing clients to sell products? Can someone who has never worked in an industrial team environment effectively serve as a Project Manager (PM) in a company? What exactly does an Alliance Manager do? And what is the role of the Technology Transfer Officer? Understanding the distinctions among these professions is crucial for a successful career transition. Today, we are grateful to invite three business senior officers coming from three different business areas, their work is intertwined with each other yet are different to enable the company to execute their strategy to sustain the success. Please join us to hear them sharing their experiences and advice on how to step from science into business and where the opportunities are.