in no particular order, here is how my day went 1. review google ads accounts 2. google hangout meeting reviewing ads account 3. making decision to try building websites in house next 30 days 4. pay contractors monthly payments 5. create content for social media 6. make loom videos for new leads 7. got client cancellation phone call 8. teach intern steps to create new website 9. tinker with the logo design process 10. show how to do google ads verification 11. ask clients for missing information 12. show part timer how to run meta ads 13. schedule video shoot for client with videographer 14. follow up on overdue invoices 15. heat up lunch for team in microwave 16. keyword research for new campaign 17. review web form leads for clients 18. watch youtube tutorial for canva logo design 19. correct an error i made of misnaming wrong client task to another client 20. remove ga4 accounts from my account as i am maxed out and more. good day! #googleads #localseo #webdesign #leadgeneration #digitalmarketing #marketingagency