Hello world! Feels great to be out of the on deck circle and starting to get hits. Really appreciate Henry Kaestner about Sycamore Equity at the Redemptive Real Estate conference in Dallas. Looking forward to impacting more communities and lives going forward!
Entrepreneur/Investor.....Co-Founder BAND, Sovereign's Capital, FaithDrivenEntrepreneur.org, FaithDrivenInvestor.org and GenerosityBayArea.org
I love it when the worlds of Faith Driven Entrepreneurship and Faith Driven Investor come together. Glenn Bean and Ian Noyes have come up with a model that creates innovative solutions to helping pastors get homes in "high-rent" areas where home ownership might not otherwise be possible. In an expensive area and want to see more harvesters in your mission field? Check these out Sycamore Equity, innovation in housing affordability.